What's eating centenarians?


In different parts of the world there are people have stepped age limit of 100 years! How they do it and what you need to do is, we analyze further.

A selection of products for a long and active life

Some participants of the selections are not available to the majority of Russians, but there are also those that can be found on supermarket shelves.
So there you go!


Buddhists prefer green tea.
Miraculous green tea lies in the content of catechins, the bioactive substance, which prevents the development of atherosclerosis, and certain types of cancer.
I would like to note that in black tea a substance is absent, as is destroyed at the time of manufacture.

Daily tea ceremony can become not only a fashionable fad, but also contribute to a long and happy life.


Yes, imagine such everyday for every home and is very affordable for all budgets product is able to extend our day.

By the way, in India, on the other hand, it is considered to be very expensive apple fruit. Quercetin contained in apples, is able to inhibit the growth of cancer cells, and is a good prevention of Alzheimer's disease.

Apples also contain vitamins and minerals that strengthen the immune system and cardiovascular system.

What could be better than snacking apple, bringing so much good?


The second simple fruit that is often present in the kitchen of many people in our vast country.
The amount of magnesium contained in the banana is one sixth of the daily requirement.
This indicates an increase in stress and relieving muscle spasms.


Records with the content of vitamin E. Monitor the aging of our body cells, prolonging our lives and promoting health.

A huge number of recipes with the content of avocados can help to make this product indispensable in your diet.


recommended included in the diet of cancer patients in the ancient medicine of India, China and Tibet celery. It is a strong tool to strengthen the nervous system and stimulate the appetite.
A magical effect on the kidneys and the liver makes this product invaluable.

Such as precious as the fragrance of celery soup, which can be an excellent guest at your dinner table.


Papaya has medicinal properties for the female body. Consumption of papaya can help resolve many gynecological problems.
From the milky juice of the unripe fruits are papain, which is used to improve digestion. In the tropics, papaya is used as an anthelmintic.
And in your kitchen papaya is very useful for tasty and healthy salad.


Chiku is known for its significant benefit to the digestive system. Unripe fruit is used to stop diarrhea (due to saturation of the fruit tannin).
Nice doctor with unpleasant disorder of the body.


Champion on the content of vitamin C.
Guava is the most powerful antioxidant in nature.
Daily intake of guava fruit able to normalize blood pressure and improve heart function. And become an unusual substitute for lemon and lime.


Carambola is able to restore and maintain the nervous system.
Also regular consumption of this fruit helps to improve the reproductive functions of the body and improve the work of the thyroid gland.


Mango has long been used in the treatment of cholera and plague, and now has an excellent natural properties, can positively affect the urogenital system. Also mango it is a strong styptic. Mango juice is used for the treatment of acute dermatitis. Tasty and healthy product.


Like many exotic fruits, passion fruit contained in the enormous amount of nutrients.
Rich in minerals, passionfruit largely a leader in potassium content, iron, copper and zinc.
In addition, the passion fruit contains a lot of vitamin C and PP. Such a vast variety of nutrients makes this fruit is extremely valuable to the human body.
Regular consumption of passion fruit is able to prolong youth, to improve the condition of the skin, strengthen hair and improve the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular system.

No one doubts arise that consume large amounts of the above products useful for the organism.
Unfortunately, the entire list of products not available to all and not always.

But do not forget that the daily fruit salad - even from an apple and a banana with honey spoon - can not only please you for breakfast, but also make long-lived.
You health and longevity!

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