The danger of chips and fries is named


Fried and baked foods contain a toxic substance called acrylamide. This was recalled by specialists from Roskachestvo. The department told why this substance is in french fries and chips, prepared a number of recommendations that will help reduce health risks if you like to cook fried potatoes at home.

What is acrylamide?

It is a reaction product between asparagine (an amino acid) and reducing sugars when fried or baked carbohydrate-containing foods. The main point is that the temperature during cooking should be over +120 degrees. Also, this substance is used in the production of polymers.

The fact that toxic components are contained in some food products became known quite recently - only in 2002. Then a Swedish scientist first confirmed the presence of this carcinogen in fried and baked dishes. As it turns out, acrylamide has been present in our diet ever since humans started cooking on fire.

Chips May Cause Obesity And Cancer When Eaten Frequently (Photo:

According to recent studies, too high a content of this substance in food has a carcinogenic effect on our body. First of all, our reproductive organs suffer.

Most of this element is found in potatoes, chips, popcorn, it is even found in coffee. This conclusion was reached by WHO experts on food additives, who conducted a comparative analysis of the distribution of this substance in more than 20 countries around the world.

The maximum amount of the toxic component is found in fried potatoes, deep-fried potatoes, and chips.

How do they fight acrylamide in Europe?

At the moment, a program is underway in Europe, the main goal of which is to reduce the amount of acrylamide in products. It is based on the use of a variety of technologies.

For example, a mandatory decrease in temperature when cooking carbohydrate-containing foods. According to the conclusions that were obtained from one of the experiments, when frying potatoes at low temperatures, it is possible to reduce the amount of acrylamide from 3500 μg / kg kilogram to 500 μg / kg.

Reduce the temperature when cooking at home (Photo:

Another quite effective way is to add special enzymes that bind amino acids and sugars during baking. It also helps reduce food toxicity.

True, in a number of countries this program almost led to the introduction of a complete ban on some dishes of the national forge. For example, in 2017, a recipe for making Belgian French fries was threatened. But after long disputes and accusations by the Minister of Tourism of Belgium that the European Union is thus destroying the local cultural heritage, the recipe was still left behind.

Is it possible to reduce the content of the substance at home?

We have collected Roskachestvo recommendations for those who love fried potatoes:

  • peel the potatoes before frying them;
  • leave in water for at least an hour.

This will reduce the starch level in the potatoes, which will result in less acrylamide in the finished product when frying.

The habit of baking the potatoes until they are brown should be abandoned, which will also help reduce toxicity.

Another option is to cut the potatoes into thin slices. According to research, there is much less acrylamide in a 1.5 * 1.5 cm slice than in 1 * 1 cm slices.

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