Variations in the recipes are many, but this is the cabbage has the most soft and delicate taste.
Crispy, flavorful and delicious - that this should be the real pickled cabbage in winter.
To pickled cabbage was very tasty, it is necessary to cook and know all the tricks.
"Red" pickled cabbage
1 kg of cabbage
2 beet
head of garlic
1 h. l. black peppercorns
1 L of water
1 h. l. coriander seeds
2 tbsp. l. salt
0.5 hours. l. hot red pepper
2 leafs
0.5% vinegar cup 9
0.5 cup vegetable oil
1. In the pan to pour water, add salt, hot pepper, bay leaf oil. Stir and boil for 2 minutes. Remove the marinade from heat, cool. Pour the vinegar and add the garlic slices.
2. Beets clean and cut into small pieces.
Then it was put in a pickle.
3. Cabbage clean from the top sheet and the cut pieces of the cabbage.
4. Put the cabbage in a large bowl. For example, a plastic bowl or a bucket or enamel saucepan stainless steel tanks.
5. Top pour cabbage with brine beets.
6. Pin cabbage oppression.
7. Leave to marinate dishes for 3 days at room temperature. Then render the cabbage in a cool place for storage or to shift to the banks and to close the plastic covers.
The cabbage can add a root or a leaf of horseradish.
Spicy cabbage with pepper for winter
2.5 kg of cabbage
1 kg of carrots
2 pod chili
200 gr. celery
3 bay leaves
root or parsley
2.5 l of water
1 tbsp. l. Sahara
150 c. salt
3 hours. l. vinegar
1. The upper leaves of cabbage to remove and wash the head under the shower to remove all adhering dirt.
2. Shred the cabbage into strips.
3. Carrot peel and grate on a medium grater.
4. Celery and parsley also need to grind.
5. Chile cleaned from the seeds and cut into rings.
6. Cabbage, carrots, herbs and chili mix and expanded in sterilized jars.
7. A mixture of vegetables pour boiling water and cover caps.
8. In the pan to pour water, add salt, bay leaf and sugar.
9. When everything comes to a boil, boil the marinade for 1 minute and doavit vinegar essence.
10. Drain water from cabbage and instead pour hot marinade. Banks close the lids and leave a towel to cool.
Finished cabbage before storing.
Bon Appetit!
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