Glad all those who looked out my blog.
Here is my little world in which I am sharing with you my weight loss experience for the past year. In the eyes of my followers going transformation. In total, I have been able to get rid of 57 extra kilos. There are still 5 or maybe even 10 kilograms, from which I have to get rid of.
Here I share not only their experience, but also recipes that are part of my diet and I'm losing weight.
What I like about counting calories and maintaining a balance of fats and proteins, carbohydrates - you can eat almost everything, the main thing to cook dishes using less high-calorie foods and more useful.
Today I want to share with you a recipe for chocolate pancakes with cottage cheese filling. These pancakes I cook in the evening and eat them for breakfast or afternoon snacks.
In appearance they are obtained inconspicuous, but what a delicious and flavorful!
✅Nam need the following ingredients.
For the dough:
- oatmeal dry - 30 g
- oat flour - 30 grams,
- 1 egg,
- Milk - 150 g,
- soda 1/2 teaspoon
- Cocoa - 5 g
- 3 sahzama sachet (or sugar).
For filling:
- curd - 120 g,
- 50 g of yogurt,
- 1 egg,
- vanillin,
- 4 sachets sahzama.
Prepare the dough.
Oatmeal should be well grind almost to the flour. Who often cooks a variety of dishes from oatmeal? Very convenient to grind a little more oatmeal and pour into a jar, and then used in the preparation of dishes.
Can be used in this recipe is completely oatmeal, but well milled.
Next, mix all ingredients for the dough. If you are just using milled oatmeal - let the dough stand up a little bit and swells, if it becomes more dense and will be badly spread over the pan - add the milk.
Bake pancakes on each side 2 minute.
Prepare the filling.
Mix 1 egg, cheese, yoghurt, vanilla and sweetener.
Filling a little watery.
Twist pancakes.
Lubricates each pancake slightly sour cream or yoghurt and remove it in the oven for 10-15 minutes at 180 degrees.
Bon Appetit!
KBZHU approximate: K-179, B-10.9, M-7, I-17.2
You can see videoretsept, I tried for you:
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I do not pretend to be an expert PP. Just sharing experiences. I "OkoloPP"!