How I cook meat instead of sausage for sandwiches without an oven: no need for foil and a baking sleeve. I share the recipe.


How I cook meat instead of sausage for sandwiches without an oven: no need for foil and a baking sleeve. I share the recipe.

Hello, dear readers of the "Cooking with Natalia Kalnina" channel! I greet my regular guests, as well as all those who came to see me for the first time!

Today I want to share a recipe for meat instead of sausage for sandwiches. I'll tell you how you can cook a sandwich chicken breast in just 12 minutes without foil and a baking sleeve (or, in another way, Pastroma from chicken breast) I like this cooking method for the speed of cooking, after 12 minutes the breast is ready and, of course, for its unusual taste.

If you want to cook sandwich meat not from chicken breast, but from pork, for example, see the detailed recipe here: I cook boiled pork in the microwave: I do not need foil and a sleeve for baking, I spend 40 minutes and it is very tasty.

This is how pork sandwich meat looks like:

So let's get started:


  • Chicken fillet -400-500 g
  • Salt -1 tsp
  • Garlic -2-3 tooth.
  • Sweet paprika -1 tsp
  • Turmeric -1/3 tsp
  • Black pepper -1/3 tsp
  • Seasoning for chicken -1/2 tsp


We take a chicken breast, the weight of a chicken breast is about 500 grams.

Cut the garlic 2-3 cloves into such slices. Now we put the part under the tenderloin and fix it.

Now we make punctures in the fillet with a sharp knife and put the garlic there.
We put salt in a bowl, I put a tsp. 600 grams of salt without a slide, add black pepper, red paprika half a teaspoon, some turmeric and another half teaspoon. smoked paprika, half a tsp. seasonings for hen.

In general, a set of spices can be absolutely any, you can even get by with salt.
Now rub the chicken breast on both sides with salt.
We take the dishes for the microwave oven, put in the chicken breast.

We close the pan with a lid and put it in the microwave, I set the power to 600 watts, the time is 12 minutes, I do not recommend setting more power, the meat can turn out to be dry.

This is how the meat looks cooled down, take a sharp knife and cut it into circles.
This is an excellent substitute for sausage. At least for sandwiches, at least just like that.

You can see the details and cooking details in my short video below:


With this recipe Sandwich chicken breast I already shared on YouTube and there I was asked in the comments by many the same question: How to cook the same meat without a microwave oven?

Who does not want to cook meat in a microwave oven or it simply does not exist, I propose to cook it this way, the meat tastes exactly the same, by the way, the oven is also not required:

Here is a detailed video recipe:

If you liked the recipe, put it on the Class, share it on social networks or write a comment. Your feedback is the best reward for me 😘 😘 😘

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