Now I don't have leftover food lying around the fridge: I show what I do with them (my friends thank for the ideas)


Often there are some products that are already difficult to "attach" somewhere. But I don't let them go to waste! Because I don't like to throw away food! I have collected in the video a lot of ways on how to preserve leftover food. Look, you will like it!

And here is another video, where I also tell you what can be prepared from seemingly inedible leftovers. But when my friends saw these two videos, they thanked me very much for the ideas. I'm sure you will find something for yourself here))

I will describe here just a few ideas on how to preserve leftover products, because the article will be too long if I list everything I showed in these videos!

If there are pieces of sausage or cheese, the remnants of vegetables or mushrooms, I cut them into thin slices and make these pizza sets. I put it in the freezer. When I need to make a pizza or casserole, I take it out, defrost it and use it. Very comfortably! And the food doesn't go to waste! You can cut it all into cubes and then add it to omelets, pancakes or pies.

I usually grate hard cheese, put it in a bag or plastic container, and freeze it as well. Then it can be used, again, for pizza, added to casseroles or pasta sauce, it can even be used in salads.

Leftovers from pies, rolls, cakes and pastries. It happens that a piece remains and no one wants to eat. I don’t throw it away! Cut into convenient pieces and freeze. After defrosting, you can heat the pieces of the pie in the oven - and they will be as fresh again.

I do the same with the leftover bread.

But what to do with vegetable scraps or sprigs of parsley and dill? You can throw it away, of course. But I don’t do that. I collect the middle peppers, onion trimmings, carrot pieces, greenery sprigs... You can also freeze. And you can immediately boil the vegetable broth, strain and cook a fragrant soup (again, the broth can be frozen, if the soup is "postponed" - you can cook it later).

If tomato paste remains, I transfer it to a small container and freeze it as well. It can be stored in the freezer for a very long time.

I also freeze milk, kefir, cottage cheese, porridge, if any. Broths, juices, boiled beans, peas, beets and even fresh cucumbers and potatoes. How I later use all this, I described in detail in the video above.

Write, did you find something new for yourself in these two videos? I would be grateful for your feedback.

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