Now even ripe bananas do not turn black for me for 2 weeks: a friend worked in a supermarket, shared a secret of how to store


And I am sharing! The method works. I checked it more than once. Of course, now someone will write: “Why keep them for a long time? I bought as much as I needed and ate it! " Perhaps that is correct, yes. But you never know how much is needed. Therefore, personally, I immediately buy a bunch of 5-6 pieces. And if suddenly bananas remain and lie on the table for more than two days, they become covered with dark specks, and if suddenly someone put them in the refrigerator, they become black almost completely.

And then no one eats them for sure, then you have to figure out how to "save" them, in which dish to add them. Don't throw it away ...

Yes, you can bake cookies, you can make a delicious gingerbread banana cake, you can make banana chips, or you can add bananas to the pancake batter. But today I still want to share a way to store bananas so that they do not turn black for a week or more, but remain the same yellow and beautiful.

Someone once told me that you need to wrap the stalk very tightly with a plastic bag. And I persistently did it all the time. But... does not work! Yes, not on the second day, but on the third day the bananas turned black.

Then I read somewhere that what is needed is not a bag, but a foil. And then I began to wind foil around the stalk. Everything is according to the rules - plump))

But after a few days, the bananas still darkened. And only recently, I finally learned a working storage method!

Thanks to a friend who got a job as a seller in a supermarket. She told me a lot of things (now I don't buy some products in supermarkets at all). But she also learned a lot of useful things there))

In general, the banana stalk should be dipped in melted wax and then allowed to harden. And that's all. Bananas will remain fresh and beautiful for at least two weeks. And then the wax is simply thrown away along with the peel. There is definitely no harm, but there is benefit!

Write in the comments, did you know about this method? And in general, are you trying to "save" bananas or "let them turn black ..."?

But what if they suddenly turned black and no one eats them? Below are a few options:

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