Have a nice day! I wish everyone who strives for harmony to achieve it as comfortably as possible, without unnecessary severe restrictions, disruptions and tasteless food!
Why complicate things, exhaust yourself with hungry diets, wait until the diet is over in order to return to your previous diet and eventually gain excess weight again?
I went through all of the above. Like many, I walked in a circle, arranging a swing with a weight and almost gave up. But I managed to get out of the vicious circle, change my diet and get rid of excess weight without absolute restrictions.
Thanks to calorie counting, I got rid of excess weight, while I did not starve, I ate deliciously, and my portions are considered by some to be huge for losing weight (because they do not understand how deficiency works calories).
How does a calorie deficit work?
To achieve a result, you must be honest with yourself first of all. We control nutrition for ourselves, not for someone else, and we want to get the result.
Therefore, you should avoid common mistakes that can prevent you from achieving your goal. Should:
✅ Record the food eaten in the calorie counter immediately, without relying on memory to exclude unaccounted for. And the best thing is to draw up the menu in advance and follow it throughout the day.
✅ Weigh food, not rely on your eye.
✅ Monitor not only the calorie content of your diet, but also the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates to keep your meals filling and providing you with the nutrients and health you need substances.
✅Count the KBZhU of the dishes you have prepared yourself, and not take the first dish that comes across and that matches the name from the counter.
Honesty with yourself, discipline and control of nutrition are the keys to your success.
According to the established tradition, I will show my menu as an example of food control using the calculation of KBZhU.
⛔To draw up an individual menu and for any questions related to weight loss, you should seek the advice of specialists⛔.
Recently I lamented that in the two weeks of my vacation, food prices soared so much that when I returned, I was shocked to say the least. My favorite fish turned gold. Of course, the salt itself is much more profitable if there is an opportunity to buy chilled fish at a more or less normal price.
And my fish just prayed, I will enjoy it.
My breakfast is 80 g of bread sandwiches with 20 g of butter and 75 g of salted trout. Breakfast for 485 kcal.
Let me remind you of a video recipe for salting fish, as well as a recipe for carrot muffins:
As a snack, I finished the last piece of a casserole with pita bread and pears (180 g) - 240 kcal.
A little bit I was spinning in recent days and lost sight of the fact that I ran out of my favorite chicken and there is not a single tray with chicken breast in the freezer. I'll get better, but today I had to cook pork for lunch.
How I used to love fried pork. She poured more oil into the pan and fry a piece of fatty meat in oil. I'm afraid to even imagine how many calories were on my plate at that moment.
For example, today I fried lean pork almost in a dry frying pan (smeared with a drop of oil) and in 100 g of finished meat it turned out 520 kcal !!!
As a result, for lunch I ate 85 g of meat, 50 g of mashed potatoes and 200 g of tomato. Lunch at 535 kcal.
A piece of meat is only 442 kcal higher! And this is 85 g - I cut the meat very thinly. And earlier the piece would have been twice as thick. This is where the extra weight comes from.
For dinner, I wanted an egg roll with curd cheese and fish, to which I added cucumbers (190 g). I used 2 eggs, 20 g of curd cheese and 50 g of salted trout. I cooked scrambled eggs, greased them with curd cheese, put the fish on the cheese, rolled up a roll and cut into portions.
Dinner for 385 kcal.
Result of the day: 1645 kcal. B - 100, F - 105, U - 74.
Honestly, I haven't made up a menu in advance for the last few days, and practically "on the go" I come up with what to cook. I pay little attention to the BZHU for a number of reasons, which I will not mention, and I went too far with calories today, although I set myself a corridor of 1500-1600. But I hope that one of these days everything will go back to normal and my KBZhU will be the same asI need it.
I finished the last sentence and realized that I want to tell you one more thing. Never compare yourself with someone, never use someone else's calorie intake of the day - we are all individual and each of us has his own calorie intake. If someone eats 2,000 kcal and loses weight, this does not mean that you need to do this too, because they can there are significant differences in your parameters, physical activity and you will only gain 2000 kcal the weight. The same is true with an underestimation of calorie intake. Someone has brought himself to such a state when he does not lose weight even by 1000 kcal and it is worth eating a little more - the weight begins to grow. Do you really want these consequences too? I think no. Therefore, stop asking anyone what calorie content of the diet, and set it based on your norm.
🍒Step by step instructions for those who want to lose weight.🍒How to count calories: step by step instructions. ❗Catalog of recipes. 🔥Skin care for weight loss.
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