Weight loss breakdowns: how to help yourself avoid them. I share my experience and menu for the day


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Weight loss breakdowns: how to help yourself avoid them. I share my experience and menu for the day - my result is minus 63 kg

We are humans, not robots. Each of us has our own problems, concerns, and it is often difficult for us to achieve our goal of losing weight.

For a number of reasons, we break away from various diets and begin to eat everything that we see, crossing out our labors.

How can you help yourself avoid breakdowns?

It is important to choose strategies that will help you maintain a strong emotional state and encourage you to take action, to result:

  • set yourself intermediate goals, and do not rush to reach the final goal, which may be set by you overestimated.
  • find a support group with shared goals - girlfriends, food controllers, specialty groups, communities. Together you can support each other, analyze mistakes and tune in to long-term work on yourself.
  • limit your access to "forbidden foods" at home, which you can take off and forget about food control.
  • plan your diet in advance, paying attention to your evening meal. If you want to eat more in the evening than in the whole day, leave more free calories for the evening. Your diet should be comfortable for you.
  • try to remove seductive products from sight, including avoiding watching commercials and programs about food.
  • suppress the desire to deviate from the planned menu already at the initial stages. Follow the plan.

And remember: if you are initially set up to lose, you will definitely lose!

And one of the most important - forced restrictions should not only bring negative feelings. Choose methods that are gentle, flexible and comfortable for you.

For me, the most satisfying, delicious and comfortable method of losing weight that really worked was a calorie deficit:

As an example of a menu on the calculation of KBZHU, I will show my daily diet.

โ›” For the preparation of an individual menu and for any questions related to weight loss, withyou should seek advice from specialistsโ›”

On weekends, I try to please my family with something tasty and I myself do not lag behind, I also try what I did.

But even if I cook more high-calorie foods on weekends, now they do not float in the sea of โ€‹โ€‹oil, and I choose less fatty ingredients for them.

In addition, for myself, I decided that during the week my diet would be 100-150 kcal less than the norm, so that on the day off I could afford more high-calorie meals and foods than usual.

My Sunday breakfast consisted of sandwiches on a rye bun (60 g) with curd cheese (30 g) and cold smoked fish (100 g). And also green tea.

Breakfast for 445 kcal.

In a reminder of recipes today, oatmeal cookies and Adjarian khachapuri on curd dough:

By lunchtime, I fried a mullet, which I dipped in durum flour. To fry all the fish, I used only 30 g of vegetable oil, and earlier I would have a fish swimming in oil.

My lunch is 150 g of fried mullet, vegetable salad (250 g), dressed with 30 g of sour cream 15% and 30 g of rye bun.

Lunch at 500 kcal.

Early dinner - minced chicken pancakes (150 g) - 420 kcal

And in the evening, 3 hours before bedtime, I ate 400 g of fermented baked milk for 225 kcal.

The result of the day is 190 kcal. B - 103, F - 80, U - 97.

Even with fried fish, pancakes, sandwiches, I managed not to exceed my daily norm, because the approach to cooking has become completely different - the priority is to reduce the calorie content of food, but without loss of taste dishes.

Delicious and comfortable weight loss everyone!

๐Ÿ’Step by step instructions for those who want to lose weight. ๐Ÿ’How to count calories: step by step instructions.๐Ÿ’Catalog of recipes.๐Ÿ’Skin care.

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