Accidental discoveries that propelled cooking forward


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Accidental discoveries that propelled cooking forward

- Good and tasty food - the result of a long work of geniuses from a knife and a stove! - Recently, a Zen colleague proved to me.

It can be understood: the family has "cook" roots. Maybe a legend, maybe it's true, but someone from great-great-great and many times great-grandfathers served in the kitchen of one of the Sheremetyevs. Her grandmother was in charge of restaurants, in the track record of "land" in a glorious resort town by the sea, and cruise (there were cruise ships in the USSR). Her mother dropped out of the glorious list, but her colleague herself returned to the ranks of the fighters for delicious and nutritious food.

She only recognizes recipes that are born from the mind of chefs. the rest is considered... uninteresting. Well, that's the point.

And I'm sure - a brilliant recipe, albeit a simple but tasty product, is sometimes born completely by accident. And it is accidental discoveries that move cooking forward.

Take chips, for example. Yes, they were invented by the chef - the chef George Crum, but then the accident just worked. And harm. Both the cook and the guest of the restaurant in which he worked.

After all, if the capricious rich man (according to legend - Vanderbilt himself) did not send back the fries, saying that they were too thickly sliced, it would never have occurred to Krum to turn the tuber into a slice and thus fry it in a hot oil.

Randomness, no long calculation, no experiments (long).

And the chips have conquered the whole world.

Or here ayran, tan, koumiss ...

How many studies on the topic of their usefulness and how much praise for their taste from fans, then on the net, that in the printed literature - is countless.

However, any fermented milk drink is, in fact, random elements formed in one chain, which once made it possible to obtain a tasty product. But once upon a time the milk just sour among the nomads in wineskins once, then another, then the third... And the thousandth. And it is not known how many times.

They, these nomads, hardly thought of it as a benefit. and about the taste. People used to be generally very unassuming in everything that concerned taste. Especially living in such conditions. And the product that they got by chance is still used by many with pleasure. Plus, it turned out to be very helpful.

And cheese is a product of accidents, and cheese itself as a category, and most of its old gourmet varieties were originally turned out "by themselves", no one conducted targeted research "how to preserve milk" or "how can we create cheese with mold. "

So accidents in the culinary arts are very important. And, as for me, it is also very important to be able to notice the accidentally obtained result.

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