The three most "scandalous" dishes, about which it is dangerous to write something


The three most " scandalous" dishes, about which it is dangerous to write something

Food is dangerous. She provokes quarrels out of the blue.

Remember the Lilliputian war over which side the egg should be broken, bluntly or sharply? Yes, yes, I know that officially this is considered a parody of the religious system of England - all these dull-tips and pointed-tips are associated by the correct reader with Catholics and Protestants.

And I have no, no, and a suspicion is born - maybe, apart from religious squabbles, the author wanted to talk about culinary ones, eh? Because there is nothing more holivar than the most ordinary, familiar to everyone and practically internationalized dishes.

I made a rating here - the most holivar, according to my impressions. Based on comments in my channel. Kind of like food and food. However, with what aggressiveness people virtually "fight" for it. More precisely, not for her, but for the methods of its preparation and recipes! Moreover, for half of the commentators, their recipes are the only correct ones.

First place - borsch

The usual borscht. It would seem - meat broth (or not), sour component, cabbage (or not cabbage) beets (or not beets)... Oh, it seems I’m just starting to light up holivars.

Because the ingredients of borscht are “sacred” for many. How is borscht without beets! White Polish borscht is a dirty innuendo. How is this borsch not in meat broth? It just can't be! And borscht with sausages or, even worse - with dumplings (there is such a thing too!).

All, we arm ourselves with a meat grinder, we call everyone to the battle for an honest name (and the correct composition) of this soup.

And if you raise the question of the origin of borscht, then that's all - you can hide in the bunker. Otherwise, they will be torn for parts.

Second place - hodgepodge

 - Solyanka must be with kidneys, period, - say some.

“Nobody needs your kidneys for nothing,” others shout.

- In fairness, it should be noted that there are kidneys in the hodgepodge, but not "yours", but exclusively calf. - Proves the third grouping. - But potatoes in a hodgepodge are illegal.

- Without capers - not a hodgepodge! - Representatives of the fourth are always on the right side.

And everyone completely forgets that the hodgepodge is a dish from the category "in the pot swords everything that is around the stove." And he has no "iconic recipe". In every house and in every locality, the hodgepodge is different. And it exists from the northern to the young outskirts, as I repent of it. Wherever vegetables are fermented, salted, pickled (and somewhere fruits)

Third place - cabbage soup

That would seem to be a dish that is impossible to find fault with. But there is so much controversy about which cabbage can and should be used! Someone proves that "real" cabbage soup is exclusively with gray crumb, everything else is from the evil one. Someone claims that it is necessary to put roast with tomato in the cabbage soup. Someone immediately shouts that our ancestors did not know any tomato, therefore - down with everything that did not grow on the territory of Russia at the time of glorious ancestors, Perun and other militant paganism... Here is the leaven from rye flour, they say you can. The rest - no, no.

And on what to cook cabbage soup - and in general, a matter of a long fight. Someone stomps their feet, defending the "old rooster". Where he gets this old rooster when he cooks - I have no idea. Someone claims that only pork is needed - after all, sauerkraut is ideally combined with it. Someone votes for mutton, they say, rams in peasant farms were slaughtered more often than a pig or a bull ...

In general, Hell and Israel are scary to meddle in.

And they argue about dumplings, right and wrong, pancakes, right and wrong, even the process of cooking sausages - and that causes battles ...

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