I eat delicious and have lost weight by 44 kg. Sharing menu for the day.


Who for the first time on my channel?
Let's get acquainted! My name is Anja and in May 2018 I went on about proper nutrition and caloric deficit.
In his blog, I talk about how is my weight loss process with 132.2 kg, share recipes and experiences.
At the present time I have been able to get rid of 44 kg.

Well, according to tradition, on Monday checkweighing.

I knew that the happy news to me the balance is not informed. Weight me dancing around 87.5 - 88 kg more than two weeks.

And today I was shown my scales 88 kg.

In my opinion there are several reasons for this:

  • sad: so the body has responded to the increase in energy intake from 1100-1200 to 1300 and had not yet moved back to the weight loss regime. Kalorazh I increased in order to maintain health, and I beg you not advise me to reduce it, still will not).
  • upbeat: An increase in physical exertion has led to muscle growth, but as we all know muscle is heavier than fat.

In favor of the optimistic explanation - from early May waist decreased by 1-1.5 cm (at least 1 cm for sure). Judging by the clothes, I tried on a summer sundress (15-year-old kept because it is very good and he was sorry to part with them). So in late March I barely converged lightning today - sits very loosely! I will be the summer the most beautiful in it, wait for the photo).

In any case, we can only stick around PP 1300 kcal and magnifies fiznagruzki. So wait out this period.

Anyone who has ever lost weight in my life knows that it happens and can stand the weight.

I move on to the menu.

For breakfast I had sandwiches on whole grain bread (60g) with butter (5 g), low-fat cheese (35 grams) and fish paste (35 g).

My favorite is the green tea for sandwiches. And vitamins to take during breakfast I did not forget.

Breakfast is turned on 375 kcal.

After the weekend, and the more such long, I had a bunch of apartment cleaning and household chores, so all the work at the computer, I suffered in the second half of the day.

Snack in the afternoon I had a green tea with dried fruits (40 g) and then ate a kiwi fruit (160 g), type of vitamins.

snack on 160 kcal.

My dinner consisted of residues cheese soup (300 g) and vegetable salad: cucumber 100g, 35g radishes, sour cream 10% - 20 g

Lunch pulled 355 kcal.

After lunch, I was working at the computer and took themselves just 20 g rye bran - 40 kcal.

Before, I did not really like bran, but time is changing tastes and attitudes towards health too.

At work he cracked his bran, necessarily drinking water! I even like to carry a little bran at work. And my not understand how I can have it ..)

For dinner, I have today buckwheat boiled (130 g) mixing with steamed zucchini (130 g) and chicken breast, baked in the oven (80 g).

For dinner, it turned 280 kcal.

All in all, the day had accumulated 1210 kcal. Drained water rate (the rate of 30 ml per kg of body weight).

Today, from physical education I rested (although cleaning can be attributed to a small charge).

May 2018 - May 2019. Minus 44 kg.
May 2018 - May 2019. Minus 44 kg.

Subscribe to my channel if you're interested I go its own way of weight loss for about proper nutrition.

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I do not pretend to be an expert PP. Just sharing experiences. I "OkoloPP"!

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