Pasta with mussels in tomato sauce


Pasta is quick, filling and delicious. And the seafood pasta is delicious! #pasta #mussels #pastasmidia

Pasta with mussels in tomato sauce

Ingredients: Mussels, Pasta, Chopped Tomatoes, Onions, Garlic, Hot Peppers, Olive Oil, Mixture of Herbs. I have Italian, Freshly ground pepper, Salt, Parsley

Cooking method:


Cut the garlic, fry with hot pepper in vegetable oil until golden brown, remove from the oil. Don't overdo it.

Saute the onion in the garlic oil. At the same time put the water for cooking pasta. There must be plenty of water. Salt.

Add the thawed mussels to the fried onions. Fry.

Add chopped tomatoes, Mediterranean herbs to taste, freshly ground pepper. Let the tomato mixture simmer slightly. Don't overcook the mussels or they will be rubbery.

Boil the pasta according to the recipe. The pasta should be slightly al dente. Drain the water.

Add finely chopped parsley and pasta to tomato mussels. Mix and heat. The pasta will soak in the sauce and dinner can be served.

A delicious, delicious Italian-style dinner is ready. You can add grated parmesan to taste.

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