I have long wanted to cook something like this. All hands did not reach. The hour came and I did not bother with a new recipe before you. #menu
Ingredients: chicken fillet, salt, paprika (I took half wild, half smoked), black pepper, chives
Cooking method:
Rinse the fillet garnish, trim the new shmatochki with fat, plіvka, dry the servets for help. Mix all the spices and strength in the bowl. Put the fillet in a suitable container and reseed the sum for salting. Try to evenly apply a ball of salt on the trigger from the sides. Then we close the storage and clean the chicken fillet in the refrigerator for 6 years. Having checked the hour, remove the bowl and turn the meatballs over.
I renew the product in the refrigerator for another 6 years. Leave m'yaso for a day. In a day, wash the meat with spices, dry it with a paper towel. Chasnik podrіbniti, grate the meat from the sides. Burn the skin fillet in gauze and put it in the refrigerator for a day. On the next day, we need a fillet for drying, we need a thread or a thin skein. Wrap the meat in the skin sack of meat from one side, stretch the crochet thread.
Let the meat cook at a temperature of +8 to +18 degrees. I was hung up in the corridor. The temperature there was 17 degrees. V'yalila m'yaso three days. Whoever loves more dry can be left for more than an hour. Who is more m'yakish less. For relish.