Chicken thighs in beer, with potatoes in cheese and sauce 2 cheeses


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I wanted something new, so I had to introduce beer.

Chicken thighs in beer, with potatoes in cheese and sauce 2 cheeses

Ingredients: Flour, Chicken thighs, Potatoes - depending on the size of the pan, Salt, paprika, black pepper, nutmeg, turmeric, garlic, Vegetable oil, Greens for serving, onions - parsley-dill, Beer (light), Cream and Feta cheeses, Zest lemon

Cooking method:

We cut the skin from the thighs, wash them and wipe them with paper towels, sprinkle it all with spices (salt, paprika, nutmeg, turmeric, black pepper, to taste), put it all to marinate a little at room temperature 15-30 minutes.

While the chicken is marinating, make potatoes, cut into slices and make a marinade for the potatoes, grate the cheese, then mix the rast in a deep plate. Oil, garlic, spices, salt all to taste, after mixing, add cheese to this suspension, mix and add all this to the potatoes and mix thoroughly. We heat the oven to 200 g and put a baking sheet with potatoes for 40-50 minutes, by the way, in order to avoid problems, we put the potatoes on greased parchment paper. oil.

We turn to the chicken, in 3 tbsp. spoons of flour, carefully roll each thigh, put it in a circle in a frying pan, after pouring the rast there. oils. And on each side, fry until golden brown, turning every minute so as not to burn. Next, we remove the chicken for a while, notice all these actions, we must do during the period of frying potatoes in the oven, it didn’t work out, so that one is ready, it will cool, and the second dish is still in progress.

While the chicken was removed, we take a blender, two cheeses (creamy and Feta), rub the lemon zest and start to stir it wildly with a blender in a bowl

The last step is chicken and light beer, take a frying pan, grease with oil, lay out the already fried chicken in the same way, fill with beer and overcook on each side, turning carefully, until crusty, just at this time, the potatoes, sauce and greenery. Bon appetit, gentlemen.

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