Why my choice is calorie counting. Firstly


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Hello everyone and have a nice day!

Weight loss can be comfortable, tasty and satisfying. The choice of what it will be is yours.

Why my choice is calorie counting. Firstly, this is the result: minus 63 kg is tasty and comfortable.

Thanks to counting calories, not only me, but also many readers of my channel managed to get rid of excess weight. And many more people are in the process of tasty and comfortable weight loss and share their results at the control weighing every two weeks.

How to start losing weight by counting calories?

And why is our choice of counting calories?

I will speak for myself. Calorie counting is the only method I've tried over the years that has actually helped me lose weight.

Losing weight by counting calories and their deficit is based on a simple principle, backed by scientific research - when the intake of calories (energy) with food is less than the consumption - the body begins to spend its reserves and break down fats.

Calorie counting is a universal method that suits everyone. After all, it is on the count that you can form a diet that will suit you, without giving up your favorite foods and controlling only the calorie intake and the balance of nutrients.

Calorie counting is one of the healthiest weight loss methods. A small calorie deficit will not harm the body, but the balance of nutrients, on the contrary, will make your diet healthier.

Calorie counting is suitable for both people who love sports, and for those who are not friends with sports at all.

When counting calories within your KBJU norm (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates), you can include any favorite foods and dishes on the menu. There are no hard limits.

The counting method is a very flexible method that can be adjusted to changing life circumstances.

And if it seems to you that counting calories is difficult, incomprehensible and takes a lot of time - you just did not try to sit down and figure it out by reading the basics of counting calories.

In any case, the choice of weight loss method is always yours. The main thing is that there is a result and without harm to health.

And by tradition, I will show what the menu can be at the control of KBJU.

⛔To create an individual menu and for any questions related to slimmingyou should seek expert advice.

Monday is a hard day, as they say. My Monday was no exception and started a tough week for me. In addition, I made a mistake and did not cook a lot of food on the day off, so as not to think about how to feed my family, including myself. I hoped for Monday morning, but I had to work hard.

I had to get out of the menu for Monday, and tomorrow I'll cook it for future use.

The simplest but hearty breakfast - sandwiches on a long loaf (80 g) with cheese (80 g) and green tea. This breakfast was 475 kcal.

In the recipe reminder, I will leave the recipe for fruit soufflé and low-carb roll with curd cream:

I had a bite of melon (400 g) - 135 kcal.

Having done part of the work planned for today, I had to slowly gather on business in Moscow. Lunch time has not yet come, but I really wanted to enjoy the smoked greenling, which I included in today's diet, but when to eat it? It seemed to me that now is the time to fish. Refresh and go.

200 g fish and 40 g homemade whole grain bread - 390 kcal.

And then I remember one of the comments dedicated to fish and my love for it, especially in the morning, at breakfast. The commentator was surprised that I often eat salted and smoked fish for breakfast, and this is the smell of fish for the whole day.

And here again - I have to leave on business, and I eat fish and am surprised at another thing, that I have to say that after eating it is possible and even necessary to carry out oral hygiene and no smell will embarrass.

Returning home for dinner, I prepared a salad with boiled-smoked chicken breast (150 g), tomato (150 g), cheese (30 g), which I seasoned with sour cream - 380 kcal.

And 3 hours before bedtime I ate the dessert "raspberries in ryazhenka": 200 g of raspberries and 200 g of ryazhenka - 225 kcal.

The result of the day is 1605 kcal: B - 118, F - 70, U - 125.

Step by step instructions for those who want to lose weight.🍒How to count calories: step by step instructions.🍒Recipe catalogue.🍒Skin care.

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