Why celery and beets need hypertensives? To safely relieve the pressure!


Some products are able to reduce blood pressure and keep it normal.
For example, fruits and vegetables. And which one is the best medicine?

From hypertension affects millions of people. Treat high blood pressure drugs, folk remedies and diet.

Just two products that reduce blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease in this collection.

Beetroot - the enemy of hypertension №1

Many hypertensive patients are not even aware that the medicine they have in the kitchen.

It is about beet, which contains large amounts of magnesium, as well as nitrates and nitrites. These are chemical compounds which play a very important role in the metabolic system.
Nitrate-rich foods, especially beneficial to health.

Beetroot contains many of these substances and therefore helps with hypertension.

In a report in 2013 we analyzed the results of 16 clinical studies of beet juice.
It was found that regular consumption of beetroot juice lowers blood pressure by 4-10 mm Hg. Art. just a few hours.

Important to remember That the blood pressure decrease even at 5 mm Hg. Art. It reduces the risk of stroke by 14% and the risk of cardiovascular disease - by 9%.

Beets can be eaten in any form. But works best juice from fresh beets.

It is also recommended to cook all kinds of dishes of boiled or baked beets.

Celery - a leader in reduction of blood pressure

This plant contains several components which are necessary to normalize pressure.

But more important is the content of the other component in celery - 3-N-butyl-phthalide.
This material removes vasospasms, expands them, and thereby lowers blood pressure. It also reduces blood cholesterol by 7%.

British scientists have proved that all help to lower blood pressure 4 fresh celery stalks a day 10-15 mm Hg. Art.

To treat high blood pressure, should eat a salad or celery juice once in 2-3 days. Juice can be not more than 100 ml per day.

Lasting results will come after 1-2 weeks of constant use of this plant.


Before applying any national agents should consult a specialist.

Take care of yourself and do not get sick! Health to you and your family!

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