Why yolk?
Because the yolk contains 50 minerals, 12 vitamins and amino acids that are not found in other products.
* vitamin B5 - Promotes healing of wounds, and helps to fight against mimic and age-related wrinkles.* Vitamin B12 - Has a rejuvenating effect on the epidermis, activates the processes of their natural renewal.* Vitamin E - This vitamin has a strong antioxidant effect, thus helping to slow the aging of cells and removes toxins* Vitamin H - involved in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in the skin tissues, tightens oval face, prevents sagging, the appearance of double chin*VitaminD - also slows down the aging process and the aging of skin, eliminate age spots, tones the skin and makes it smooth* Lecithin -Fills the cells with moisture and feeds them* Choline - It normalizes the sebaceous glands, imbues moisture cells, helping to keep it in, but also eliminates the flaking and irritation* Iron - nourishes epidermal cells with oxygen and protects them from oxygen starvation
* Amino acids - useful for maintaining health and beauty skin in general* Cobalt -removes pigmentation, freckles and makes lighter yellowish spots that appear with age, evens skin tone, gives the face a natural shadeIt's only about a yolk))) And we have in the mask - milk and oatmeal. Oatmeal - a general - OUR ALL, You know yourself. For such a mask oatmeal in a coffee grinder to grind, I (and if at all idly - a I shake sieve in small particles from the flakes))
oat crumbs fill warm (not hot) And give a little milk swell. Then enter the yolk, mix all until smooth and cause on the face. I make in two ways: nanoshu first layer, and then, when dries (10-15 minutes-ty), another layer. only 30 minutes hold-Tb. It's enough. It washed off easily. After the mask to lubricate kremchiki.
you can read here about the cheap creams: https://zen.yandex.ru/media/id/5d87b1a198fe7900ac28c86e/sekrety-molodosti-uhod-za-licom-za-kopeiki-5d9e00a30a451800b11e9b94
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