Crispy cheese cookies for 10 minutes. My favorite recipe


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These cookies we eat, how seeds - no way to stop, because it is very tasty! This is one of my favorite recipes. I strongly advise you to cook it, and you will also be baked with constantly.



We will need 150 grams of cheese. Rub it on the smallest grater. Regarding varieties, then we take the solid, preferably one that is well melted.

Adding to the cheese 1 egg and 2 tablespoons of milk and 50 g of butter. It should be soft, so do not forget to get it in advance from the refrigerator.

Next, add the flour. It will need about 110-120 grams. Knead the dough.

As for the salt, then immediately adjust themselves. In many ways, it all depends on how salty cheese. I prefer not to add, either directly just a little, just a pinch. Remove the dough in the fridge for 20-30 minutes.

Now prepare the pastry. The dough turns "fragile", so it's best to make cookies like this: all of the dough roll "sausage", then cut it into slices.

It is important to cut very thinly. biscuits thickness should not exceed 5 mm. We put them on the pan, the laid paper. On request, you can sprinkle sesame seeds on top.

Baking cheese pechenyushki 10 minutes at 200 degrees. Cookies well as the hot and cold. Bon appetit, my dear!

See also: Why should I freeze cheese. My culinary life hacking

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