Amazing vegetable - the tomato or tomato! Simply irreplaceable storehouse of medicinal properties! Read more in the article.
The dangerous "thick" blood?
It is proved that the main cause 80-90% of heart attacks and strokes are blood clots formed in the blood vessels due to the increased blood viscosity.
Blood-thinning medications, anticoagulants are used, but the effect is similar, and some of the products on the circulatory system of the person.
Important! Not stroke, atherosclerosis or myocardial kill people, and the thrombus that forms on cholesterol plaque in blood vessels.
Thrombus formation depends on the daily diet. It is necessary to eat foods that lower fibrinogen level and provide the body with a sufficient amount of useful substances for normal hematopoiesis.
For example, salicylates comprising - salicylic acid derivatives, which have a unique effect on blood platelets, preventing them stick together.
Tomatoes or tomatoes - the best blood-thinning products
Tomatoes are cooked and tomato juice are the most useful vegetables blood thinners.
Vitamin C, lycopene and calcium have a positive effect on the condition of the heart and blood vessels, have an antiplatelet effect, dissolve atherosclerotic plaques and increased lumen of the arteries.
Important! By the force of impact on the circulatory system of tomato juice comparable to aspirin, only safer.
Tomatoes are available to almost everyone, their use can significantly reduce blood viscosity and prevent the formation of clots in the arteries and really reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol blood.
Tomatoes contain a large amount of minerals, vitamins, organic acids, sugars, flavonoids, pectin and other nutrients enrich the diet and make it complete.
Tomato juice of blood clots!
When thermal processing of the vitamin C content in tomatoes (tomatoes) decreases, but increases the amount of lycopene.
That the blood vessels and the most important.
It is recommended to use the tomatoes as a raw and cooked form. But the best option - the juice!
Scientists in Japan have shown that the juice from the tomatoes are incredibly useful, even if made from concentrate.
Its unique composition enhances the blood, strengthens blood vessels and thins Blutwurst substance.
Because vitamin C and calcium, tomato juice favors and strengthens reducing blood clotting, makes it more resilient and elastic vessel walls.
Drinking tomato juice is not only the prevention of dehydration, but it also makes the blood more fluid.
In tomato a lot of vitamin C: it is involved in blood formation, improves the condition of the cell membranes and helps to remove toxins.
Iron in the tomatoes perfectly digestible, thanks to the presence as a large number of vitamin C.
If you regularly drink tomato juice, hemoglobin is at a good level.
Tomato or tomato juice reduces cholesterol in the body, and successfully fights heart problems.
Scientists have repeatedly confirmed the fact that it is composed of potassium in tomato possesses such properties.
Treatment dose - 4 per day tomato or tomato juice 1 cup.
Prior to use, require specialist advice.
Take care of yourself and do not get sick!
Health to you and your family!
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