Mashed potatoes - a popular side dish in Russia. However, not each family this dish turns out tasty, tender and without lumps. How to make perfect mashed potatoes? I am telling in this recipe!
For a delicious mashed potatoes fit every variety of potato. Tastes best, in my opinion, is obtained from potatoes, which in yellow. The proportions are for 1 kg of potatoes.
To potatoes quickly cooked, cut the tubers into 2-3 pieces. You do not need to add salt when cooking! It makes potatoes more dense, and we do not need.
When the potatoes are ready and will fall apart, turn off the plate, the water is drained, but not all. Reserve at the bottom of about 50 ml.
Now, salt and mash. When the puree will be less homogeneous, add 100 g butter and 150 ml of hot but not boiling milk.
Then, beat puree blender until uniform. This way you can achieve the perfect consistency without lumps. Puree ready!
No sour cream, no eggs, I do not add to the puree. In my opinion, these extra ingredients. Puree with them, a dense and loses its tenderness.
Bon Appetit!
Also we have a recipe: Mashed potatoes with green peas