What they ate during the siege of Leningrad?


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These days Russia recalls the siege of Leningrad - exactly 75 years ago, it was over. This memorable date I have prepared for you an article about what they ate Leningrad in these terrible 872 days... What "dishes" prepared, if it is possible, of course, be called food.

As soon as the siege began, immediately famine. The first died of hunger began to appear as early as two weeks after the start of the blockade.

What did the blockade bread

Introduced ration cards, which were given food. It was not only bread, but also cereals, meat, and fish. Often, people who received a modest blockade rations, ate it immediately, not halfway to the house. Firstly, hunger was such that the meat is eaten raw immediately. And secondly, on the way home could rob and take away food.

Blockade bread. Photos from public sources
Blockade bread. Photos from public sources

I would also say that the blockade bread. It was given in the day from 250 grams to 125 depending on the category of the population. In this case, call the bread it can be difficult. Leningradites working at the bakery told later that a rye flour it was only one-third. The rest - this oil seeds, flour dust that swept up from the floor, grind needles.

In difficult times added even peel from sunflower seeds. It was urgent, was cutting tongue, gums, could even damage the esophagus. Often, sacks of flour from Lake Ladoga brought wet. Working carefully scraped off from the bags got wet the flour, the dried pieces were ground and added to the dough.

Soup of the stalks, "tea" from carrots

Cooked Leningrad more and jelly from wallpaper paste - it was based on flour. Then, in the course went carpenter's glue. During cooking, add the bay leaf, spices, vinegar. Despite the shortage of foods, spices in the siege of Leningrad was a lot.

From cabbage stalks boiled soup. In addition to water and cobs they sometimes had nothing. Who has been carrots, also it added. By the way, from carrots made "tea". Carrots were ground, brewed with boiling water and dried. This "tea" was also added chaga (this is a fungus).

Another drink was the "coffee" from the ground. During the bombing of the Germans destroyed the stocks of flour and sugar - they are burned. Leningradites then came out of the ashes, taking the land, which were impurities sugar. Stirred with water, the land settles to the bottom, and the remaining liquid is then sweetish drink. From the ground remained dark color, so the drink was called "coffee." Also made the "coffee" from the roots of dandelion.

Grass with salt and leather belts with mustard

When it was really bad, cooked jelly or soup of leather belts. They were usually impregnated with tar and terribly tasteless. Their first fired, then scraped off the upper layer, then soaked in water for a long time, and then cooked. Ate belts with mustard.

In spring and summer eating grass with salt, cooked nettle soup, made tortillas, or "chops" of grass. There was further added cake or peel of various seeds. Sometimes the cake rubbed to grind flour to the state, but it was very difficult.

Cake of quinoa and machine oil. Photos from public sources
Cake of quinoa and machine oil. Photos from public sources

If getting any potatoes, the cleaning is not discarded. From them prepare tortillas. Sometimes it was possible to get corn, barley, and even milk. Over a glass of milk people were ready to give their jewelry.

From hunger in women breastfeeding children disappeared milk. In order to somehow feed their kids, they made cuts on the nipple, and the babies were sucking blood. In the hospital, by the way, well-fed. New mothers were given porridge, soups, milk, bread.

Maddened by hunger and endless bombing, people began to have roamed the city animals. dog or cat meat is used for pies, soups, salted meats. From their bones boiled "jelly", as they contain gelatin.

By the way, in spite of the terrifying famine, in one of the parks managed to keep unharmed swans - they have not eaten. And still there are cases when cats bring home food. For example, a widely known was the cat Vaska - he carried the hosts food.

Queuing for water. Photos from public sources
Queuing for water. Photos from public sources

Fish in waters almost did not catch. Her wilderness during the bombing, and she was dying. But sometimes still able to catch the fish.

Separately say about drinking water. Since it was a big problem, people took water from the Neva, drew from the fire department wells that survived the bombing. Winter snow stoked...

By the way, in a diary entry of the blockade has found that when he was transported across Lake Ladoga, then upon arrival were fed chocolate and caviar.

P.S. In preparing this article, I read a lot of sources, blogs residents of besieged Leningrad, memories. Some things, "food" and methods of its production is so terrible, inhuman, that I did not write about it... God forbid that it ever happens again ...

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