Super delicious oatmeal chia pudding Pudding Superfud


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We do not like to just have a tasty meal, but also a positive experience with the aesthetic sense. Therefore, we always want something of the sort! Do chia pudding based on oatmeal and will please a loved one (the first version of the training, all of a sudden come out lumpy pudding!), And then make two puddings and will treat your loved one. He is actually pretty simple, though may seem difficult at first.


1. Oatmeal (half cup)

2. Water (1.5 cups)

3. The seeds of chia (half a glass)

4. Banana (1-2 pieces)

5. Strawberries (5-7 berries)

6. Peppermint (6-8 leaves) is possible without

7. blueberries (1 tablespoon) can not

Cooking method

We took a high-quality oatmeal (but you can not quickly brewing, it is not useful). Poured into a glass filled with water and left for 3 h. Then added a glass of water and pereblenderili, poured into a jar (can drain through a sieve and leave one oat milk, and can be used a thick mass, then our future will be better fed pudding), chia seeds are added, mixed, left for 5 hours to Chia seeds have made a lot of oatmeal pudding. (All this is easier to do in the evening in the morning, so better to put in the fridge).

Then take the transparent glass pudding. And the fourth part-chia oat mass was mixed in a blender with half of a banana to give a yellow mass, poured into a glass, the following part mixed with mint and second half banana turned green mass, poured it into a glass (you can select another sequence, but again it is better to make a light color, and the last one the darkest blueberry, not to wash after each blender). Tossed slices of banana and strawberry slices in layers and beauty vkusnoty. Then chia-mixed mass with strawberries and poured pink layer, hereinafter also made blueberry du turned purple layer. Decorated with slices of banana on top of the pudding. The result was a bright-chia oatmeal pudding. Beauty and vkusnota! Bon Appetit! More often pamper yourself, dear friends, because we need more positive emotions!

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Oat chia pudding
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