Best and cheapest tool to clean the liver and not only


And tomato juice perfectly cleanses the blood vessels, strengthens bones and joints, protects against cancer and lowers cholesterol in the blood.

Tomato juice - health benefits!

Tomatoes or tomato - a source of fiber, nutrients and trace elements, minerals, potassium, calcium, phosphorous and zinc.

Many therein nickel and fluorine, boron and manganese. The composition also contains antioxidants and vitamins that promote the recovery of the body.

Tomato juice helps to normalize metabolic processes in the body, to withdraw toxins and radionuclides.

This drink - a great tool for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, the prevention of the formation of cancer cells and reducing the risk of stroke.

The juice from tomatoes benefited it should be consumed daily.

What are the benefits?

Just one glass of tomato juice enrich the body vitamins A, B, C, E, PP, and essential minerals.
In a lot of tomatoes thiamine. With this it will create a barrier that will not allow toxins to penetrate.

choline effectively reduce cholesterol.
Riboflavin It promotes the synthesis of enzymes in the body.
lycopene cleaves free radicals. As a result, we are witnessing the strengthening of the immune system.
Become stronger vessel wall and reduces total cholesterol.

In addition, tomato juice - a great tool for cleansing the body. Its use helps stop the fermentation processes in the intestine.

Regular consumption of one glass of tomato juice can help improve vision, strengthen bone tissue and tooth enamel, strengthen the immune system.
In tomatoes contains sulfur, which normalizes the liver and kidneys. The juice of tomatoes it more than in the fruit.

Besides tomato juice excellent cholagogue and diuretic.

In tomato juice rich in vitamin E, selenium, chromium and manganese. This set of vitamins and minerals are necessary for men, since neither improve and endurance during sexual intercourse.
Regular use of tomato juice improves sperm quality, which is especially important when planning a pregnancy.

And yet, fans of tomato juice is much happier and calmer those who do not like this drink.

This is because a part of the tomato juice has substances that stimulate the production of serotonin - the hormone of joy and pleasure.

So that a glass of tomato juice can improve mood, relieve fatigue and eliminate stress, as well as an excellent prevention of depression.

Tomatoes and juice from them helps active smokers reduce the harmful effects of nicotine in several times.

Important! Tomato juice is allowed for diabetics!

Take care of yourself!

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