Today On the internet there are many videos in which bloggers check natural wines.
They show how you can determine whether or not a natural wine with water.
Some "cheaters" placed a glass of wine in the water, and say that the wine is unnatural, if it leaked and mixed with water.
Others laugh at them and say that this method is not correct, because the wine should be poured into a bottle with a narrow neck and flipped just lowered into the water.
If wine is not left in the water, it is a natural means.
But they are all wrong, and who is the subject knows that these methods can only be determined density Wing.
All the matter in the physics of liquids. The wine is dry, semi-sweet wine, and plain water have different densities.
If the wine is dry, it will flow out of the cup in the water and mixed with it. The density of the dry wine is less than the density of water, so water and displaces wine.
Sweet wines, on the contrary, is heavier than water, they have a lot of sugar. The water is not able to displace the heavy wine from a glass. Therefore, a sweet wine is in the glass, and does not leak into the water.
The conclusion is: experiments with water does not work, because it is impossible to determine whether or not natural wine. Other wine has a different density and displace water differently.
Remember that excessive drinking harms your health!
Be healthy!
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