How to identify quality milk packaging and not to be mistaken with the choice


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Everyone chooses what suits him and what is useful. Buying milk in the stores we can not smell it either, nor try.

By what criteria do customers choose milk in stores?

1. popular brand

Trust, but verify! -Glasit Russian proverb.

Alas, not always attractive brands and bright packaging correspond to the declared quality.

2. Shelf life

Many people mistakenly choose milk for shelf life, assuming that the smaller it is, the milk fresh, and therefore more useful and better.

In fact, beyond the date printed on the package of milk, is not responsible for its quality.

For example, milk "UHT" shelf life of 6 months will not be worse than milk "pasteurized" shelf-life of 7 days.

Shelf life of milk is not an indicator of its quality.

Milk quality depends on the quality control in the production, ie, it must comply with GOST and TU-quality standards for which the milk is produced.

3. without the addition of milk powder

Quality milk that we buy in the stores should not contain any additives, herbal ingredients and should not be made from milk powder.

It must be made from whole and skim milk or standardized milk with cream, or just a whole, where the fat content is not regulated.

4. milk soft package

In the shops in the first place should pay attention to the label, and not on the packaging.

No need to take off the shelf "dairy product", believing that it is "milk".The label on a dairy product manufacturer is obliged ukazat- "dairy product".

The quality of this product shall comply with GOST or TU on which it is made. Otherwise, such a product will be a forgery (counterfeiting or poor quality), if it is given for milk.

5. by price

Quality milk can not be cheaper than the market price of 1 liter of milk.

Today, the average price for 1 liter of milk, 55 rubles.

Buying cheaper milk, we run the risk of running into fake.

Do not waste your money on poor-quality product for the best we are doing for themselves with their own hands.

To take or not to take the manufacturer decides for themselves every man.

Do not allow to cash in on your health!

Be healthy!

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