Scotch on the farm. Some unexpected, but useful, and most importantly practical uses.


Today I will tell your readers about how you can apply regular tape on the farm. As it turned out, he can find plenty of useful, and most importantly practical uses. And some will really help you out in an emergency. I will describe, in my opinion, the most useful.

1. If you run out of tape for garment cleaning, the tape will come to your aid. Simply tear off a piece of adhesive tape, roll it into a ball sticky side out and you can safely clean any clothes. Tested in practice! (Scroll to the right photo)

Picture taken by the author (tape)
Picture taken by the author (tape)
Picture taken by the author (brush coat)
Picture taken by the author (tape)
Picture taken by the author (brush my scarf)
Picture taken by the author (tape)

2. Using scotch you can pull out a splinter. Place a piece of adhesive tape to splinters and carefully remove the tape toward splinter entry. Also tape in some cases be able to replace a patch, for example, when you rubbed his leg, and plaster on hand there. Furthermore, the tape can be briefly to seal the wound.

3. If you need without the price tag to be removed almost any thing with the tape is very easy to do - first nail strip off the price tag, and then

stick and unstick an adhesive tape from this place, and from its remnants will be over.

4. Scotch will give the shoelaces previous form. If you want to shorten the strings, you can just cut them, and attolschennye ends roll up a small piece of adhesive tape and laces as new! Clearly shown in the photo, scroll to the right.

Picture taken by the author (cut end)
Picture taken by the author (cut end)
Picture taken by the author (rolled up tape)
Picture taken by the author (cut end)

5. If you need turn the frosted glass in the conventional transparent - necessary just stick it scotch. If you did not know about at least one above-described method of using adhesive tape - Like place and do not forget to subscribe to the feed, We have almost 3500 people!

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