Enotherapy or treats wine?


wine treatment is called - enoterapija. How it works later in this article.

Wine - this medicine?

Since ancient times, mankind uses grapes and drinks from it, mostly wine, for rehabilitation and prevention of many diseases.

Records of ancient healers indicate that enoterapija (treatment with wine) at the correct use can indeed turn away many serious illnesses.

Nowadays exactly positive influence of good wine on the cardiovascular system, heart and blood vessels.

Interestingly, the most popular of pharmacological agents for the treatment of varicose veins of legs is still produced from grapes.

By the way, recent scientific studies show that wine has a beneficial and a neutralizing effect on the human body to remove toxins and free radicals.

That treat wine?

Enotherapy - is not only a welcome glass of wine inside.
In addition to the drink - wine as a cure at enotherapy used fresh grapes, oil grape seed oil, grape pomace and extracts.

From ancient times, grapes successfully treated:

heart disease, bronchi, kidneys, liver,

vascular system, a nervous breakdown,
hypertension and at the same time, hypotension, gout, anemia,
metabolic disease, gastritis with increased secretion,
cough, sore throat, atonic constipation,
insomnia, and other uterine bleeding.

In the treatment of different types of wine used this beverage, despite the fact that they are made from a single fruit - grapes.
And so the work of wine in different ways.

For instance:

White table wine - an excellent diuretic.
nutmeg - heals the respiratory system, as well as perfectly tones the nervous system.
Red wine - excites the entire body, keeps it in good shape for a long time. In addition, red wine the most nutritious of all.
Sparkling wine - protect the body from overstimulation have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and digestive tract.

The most healthy wines of these views can be called table wines, as they contain a moderate amount of alcohol and the optimum level of acidity.

Medicinal properties of wine - at what diseases help

Red wines:

blood disease

White wine:

cancerous tumors
Alzheimer's disease
kidney disease and pathology
problems of the urinary system
metabolic disease
polio viruses and herpes

In enotherapy effective only "real" wines that do not contain preservatives.

About as
For the treatment does not use cheap wine and vintage (red and white).

How to use
Healing the useful properties of a good dry wine depends on its temperature.
The warmer the wine, the less its healing properties.
To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect the temperature of dry red wine should be 16-18 ° C, as white table wine was cooled to 10-12 ° C.


Doctor individually selects the dosage and time of a particular type of wine for each patient.

Take care of yourself!

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