Recipes are not born spontaneously, at least not from me. Before the arrival of guests, I have been thinking. Than to please his friends, and because want to diversify the table, we have to remember and look for in their cookbooks recipes unusual, tasty dishes that can be prepared from inexpensive products fairly quickly.
Today, this dish will be "stuffed with mushrooms", or rather their hats. If you previously had a long time to look for larger specimens of mushrooms, but now every supermarket you can find packages of mushrooms grown specifically for such purposes.
So, let's begin. For this dish, we need:
· Packaging shampinonov- 1 pc.
· Ham - 100 g.
· Cheese - 50-70 gr.
· Quail eggs (if large cap, the suit and the usual eggs) in the number of fungi.
Step 1. To begin, prepare the mushrooms. Cut the mushrooms legs, and cut carefully from the middle of the fungus, I used a small dessert spoon. Feet finely chop and fry in the pan with vegetable oil.
Step 2. Finely chop the ham.
Step 3. Grate the cheese on a fine grater.
Step 4 begins to fill with stuffing hats.
First, publish fried legs,
top, add the ham on a ham quail egg and sprinkle with cheese.
I had a cake pan, so each mushroom I put in this form if you have a no-no problem, put the cap on a baking sheet. Put stuffed cap for 15 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 15 minutes. Because mushrooms do not require special heat treatment, we see that the cheese is melted and covered with a crust.
We get out of the oven and sprinkle with dill. This dish you like, and hot and cold!
That's all! Bon Appetit!!
Other recipes of appetizers on my channel:
Salad with pears, walnuts and blue cheese to the New Year's table in 2020
Sauteed eggplant
Very simple and "tasty recipe"
Fast food -syrnye hedgehogs
Incredibly Delicious roasted peppers with garlic and herbs
Potato baskets with cheese, bacon and egg
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