Capelin in spicy brine "Soviet-style"


Let's cook a delicious spicy salted capelin? So just like before it was?

Frankly, I occasionally take a store shelf next jar capelin or sprat, each time hoping to taste the fish, "just like a child." Well, it would seem - that can spoil in salt fish? There, salt, spices, water (if not dry salting).

But no. If the fish does not give easy elegance tuhletsy (it often try to mask the aroma of smoking, that is "liquid smoke" however, this most often err producers of preserves in oil and sprat), then certainly a rich bouquet of spices it strikes just like sledgehammer.

Recently I fished from a jar of sprats cinnamon stick. Sprat was 'kraft', as grit, almost handmade, and with pretensions to sophistication. Why in the sprat cinnamon - still do not understand. As for me - still cinnamon, it is more to the apple, baking, mulled wine... well, never mind. Had bought, he is guilty.

Nevertheless to similar situations do not arise - it is better, of course, fish pickle himself. The main thing to make myself, and at the outset convincing - there is nothing complicated about pickling. The rest will go like clockwork.

Salting method I personally know of two (if someone more pleasure esteem-listen). It is a dry and brine (brine).

Brine for salting fish is easy. Take water (preferably filtered), salt, spices, and voila - you're done.

Well, as ready. Boil water, and then throws in the not shelled raw potato and begin to fill the salt. Once the potato float to the surface - enough salt, potato can reach, enter the spices, add a spoonful of sugar, once again boil the brine to cool and pour them fish carcasses.

The proportions of water and salt about 1 to five, and all the rest is optional and taste.

I add per liter of water

• bay leaves - 4 units.

• grain coriander - 1 hr. l.,

• grain mustard - 1 hr. l.,

• buds cloves - ½ hours. l.,

• black pepper sweet peas - ½ hours. l.,

• pepper Pink pepper ½ hours. l.,

• Pepper white peas ½ hours. l.,

When the brine is ready, cooled down - they pour carefully cleaned and washed carcass capelin (head and viscera allowed in the waste).

Dry salting method also is not complicated.


• 3 tbsp. l salt.

• 1 tbsp. l sugar.

• grain coriander - 1 hr. l.,

• grain mustard - 1 hr. l.,

• buds cloves - ½ hours. l.,

• black pepper sweet pepper (grind) - ½ hours. l.,

• pepper Pink pepper (grind) ½ hours. l.,

• pepper white pepper (grind) ½ hours. l.,

Take container hydrochloric pour the mixture onto the bottom, a pair of leaves put lavrushki bit clove layer fish - and so repeat until the end. Top layer - of course, salt.

The catch: salted capelin very quickly. 10-12 hours dry method, in brine - a little longer. Well, the maximum day. After that, it is necessary to get the fish out of the brine (salted dry method if he, too, is formed), and - to eat. Otherwise, it will overshoot the mark.

Bon Appetit!

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