My father told me that in the days of the USSR, he went to buy "bird's milk". I traveled by train from region to Moscow, where it was possible to buy close to the Prague restaurant on the Arbat. Sometimes he came back empty-handed, as the cake was not enough.
Now The days of queues and shortages. Now, in every supermarket you can find any cake from 2-3 different manufacturers. And if you go through the different shops, you can count more than 10 variations of Cake "Bird's milk".
But along with a variety of cakes came and substandard. Manufacturers in pursuit of profit began to use cheaper ingredients, preservatives are added to increase the shelf life.
And whether it is now possible to buy a present "Bird's milk"? I believe that it is possible, but it should carefully approach the selection. I have developed for yourself a check-list for choosing to shop Cake "Bird's milk".
I like confectioner know what to look for. Now I tell you how not to be trapped in the store. By the way, these rules work and the choice of other cakes.
1. Title
Psevdonazvaniya "Magic Bird," "Milk bird of paradise" and other similar dismisses. The manufacturer does not cake for the guests, but to buy it, using all the familiar design, but with a different name.
2. cost of
Cake with a low price can not a priori be of good ingredients. For myself, I figured out that the "Bird's milk" with a price of 1100 rubles. / Kg may consist of natural ingredients. All that is cheaper, if not in stock, I do not buy.
3. Shelf life
Cake with a long shelf-life packed with preservatives. Currently, the "Bird's milk" contains a part of the butter, which means that the shelf life should be no longer than 72 hours (3 days).
4. Packaging and appearance
The brighter the packaging, the more attractive it is for the buyer. Sometimes under the bright packaging hiding bad and substandard cake.
5. Composition
Currently, the "Bird's milk" comprises of: butter, condensed milk and agar-agar. If you see margarine, milk-containing product, and gelatin - do not buy.
At the end of the article leave a link to the recipe Cake "Bird's milk" of the Soviet guests, there can watch it full composition.
If you meet or have met in the store cake, which does not meet these requirements, please tell us about it in the comments. Let everyone know that this cake you can not buy!
Bird's milk according to GOST USSR - see part