How to work with gelatin? Secrets, tips and errors


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Why does not dissolve the gelatin and thickens? Why gelatin is not compatible with kiwi and pineapple? On this and on how to work with the gelatin as it stabilize and cook jelly, read this article.

I continue a series of articles on how to properly deal with various products.
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How to whip cream?
How to whisk whites for meringue?

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What is gelatin?

There are 2 types of gelatin powder and sheet.
The powder is the most common due to its low cost and can be purchased at most grocery stores.
The sheet is more expensive and is available in pastry shops. Work with gelatin sheet is more convenient because each sheet has a precise, 5 c of the same weight, at least 2.5 grams.

Gelatin and its strength

The strength of the gelatin is measured in Bloom, after izobretalya Oscar Bloom, who invented it. I will not go into details, I will tell only that the most common option with the force of 125-135 Bloom, also called bronze. There are also Silver (160-170 Bloom), Gold (190-220 Bloom) and Platinum (235-265 Bloom).

How to prepare gelatin?

Any gelatin is always soaked in water. Use cold, and even better ice water, since gelatin in warm water to give a starting force for gelation. Those. If you gelatine soaked in warm water, you will not get the desired degree of gelation

If the recipe said pre-melt the gelatin, do it immediately before mixing with the bulk.

Powdered gelatin should be soaked in a ratio of 1 to 6, 1 to 5 times, always read the instructions on the package of your gelatin.

For example for soaking 5 g of gelatin, you will need 30 grams of water.

Gelatin sheet must be filled with a good amount of cold water. The right amount he absorbs himself. The main let stand until the moment when the sheets are soft.

Before use, the sheet of gelatin, it must be overcome, to get rid of excess water on it.

Running gelatin

To the gelatin began his work, it must be administered to a warm mass with a temperature of 60-70 degrees, but not more than 80 degrees, at this temperature gelatin loses its gelling properties. This means that a mixture which has already been added can not boil the gelatin and heat above 80 degrees.

The process of introduction of the gelatin in many recipes call "to dissolve».

Another method to dissolve gelatin - is to heat it in a microwave oven or a water bath. The microwave heat up just 5-10 seconds, and the gelatin has melted. Such a method is good when you need to enter it into the mixture at room temperature.
The gelatin will begin to operate as soon as the temperature of the mass drop below 15 degrees. For a complete gelation of the mass required 4 hours to days, depending on the volume.
Gelatinous mass can always return to the liquid state, for this purpose it should be heated to 50 degrees.

Why kiwi gelatin and gelatin are incompatible or enemies

Because of its chemical properties of gelatin can not be used with pineapple, kiwi and papaya fresh, as well as other tropical fruits that contain a lot of acid. Wine and other strong acids destroy the excess of Ph4 gelatin structure and it loses its properties.

To use gelatin with pineapple or kiwi they must be parboiled or boil, after heat treatment, they lose enzymes that degrade gelatin.

I hope this article will help you to prepare a dessert like this, as you intended.

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