A unique product is this beans. It is nutritious, contains many vitamins, and is delicious. But do we know everything about her?
What... beans?
Of course, these are the beans that humans have been eating for over 5,000 years. The homeland of beans is India, as well as South and Central America. Beans are also mentioned in Chinese records dating back to 3000 BC.
Beans are not only eaten, but also used to make hair shampoo or face powder. Japanese manufacturers have succeeded in this.
I wonder what science knows about 230 kinds of beans, but we eat only a few of them.
Most Popular - Total 4 varieties:
green or asparagus - the pod itself and its grains are edible
red - has a high nutritional value, but belongs to the category of toxic plants, so it should not be eaten raw
white - less valuable in terms of food, and its grains wrinkle when they stay in water for a long time
violet - also called "Draconic tongues", because it has variegated yellow-purple pods with olive-green seeds, after heat treatment, the skin acquires a yellow color and a dense structure
Nutritional benefits of beans
The composition of these beans is balanced and from this it is most important. Beans contain a lot of protein, which is equal in nutritional value to meat protein. That is 100 gr. beans can replace the same amount of meat dishes.
In addition, beans are rich in essential amino acids for the human body, thanks to them, bean dishes are very well absorbed by healthy people.
As we already know, beans can be of different types and, depending on this, its grains may contain high content of minerals: calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and trace elements - zinc, sulfur, copper and dr.
Conclusions! The beans are very satisfying, but low in calories. It is an important source of many nutrients and can be used as a substitute for meat during fasting or dieting.
Beans for health
Of course, any of our food or product affects the state of the body.
Due to their high iron content, beans are incredibly beneficial for anemia. Its grains contain many B vitamins, as well as A, C and PP.
Beans are especially useful for women because they contain a large amount of vitamin E, which is an antioxidant and helps to maintain youth.
And for all people in general, vitamin E is useful in that it is he who keeps the walls of blood vessels young and elastic, which means it prevents the occurrence of diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
There are also vitamins A and C in beans - the first helps to improve vision, and the second for immunity.
People have long known the benefits of beans for kidney disease, since the use of dishes from it has a diuretic and purifying property.
Stews or salads with beans are recommended for fatigue and fatigue. A decoction of beans helps to restore the body in case of nervous exhaustion and stress.
By the way, not only beans are useful, but also dry shells from bean pods. Strong infusion of which reduces blood sugar in diabetes mellitus.
Beans are worthy of your regular diet. At least once a week. After all, it is so healthy and nutritious.
I wish you all health and patience! Everything will be fine!
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