How to cook beef liver so it remains tender


Liver dishes are not only delicious, but also extremely healthy. I am sharing with you how to make the liver soft, juicy and incredibly tender.


0.5 kg beef liver
2 onions
1 glass of milk
0.5 cups flour
200 ml sour cream
1 hour l. mustard
0.5 tsp l. salt
2 pinches ground black pepper
vegetable oil for frying

How to cook:

1. Wash the liver, dry it, clean up all the flaws. Cut the liver into slices first along the piece, then each slice into strips or cubes.

Important! It is not recommended to cut the beef liver into cubes or too thin cubes, as it will dry out quickly and be tough during cooking.

2. Place the liver in a bowl and cover with fresh milk. Cover the dishes with a lid or a plate and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes and no longer than 3 hours.

3. Peel the onions and cut into half rings. Fry the onions in vegetable oil until golden brown. But you shouldn't fry it until it crisps.

Transfer the prepared onion to a plate.

4. To fish out the liver from the milk with a slotted spoon, if the milk has been absorbed, then it's generally wonderful. Transfer the liver to an empty bowl.

Pour flour into it and mix well. The flour may not completely cover the liver, no big deal. If you want to make the liver completely in flour, then the procedure should be done in parts.

5. Pour more oil into the pan, warm up and put the prepared liver in it. You need to fry it for no more than 10 minutes.

6. Add fried onions to the liver. Mix. Warm up for a couple of minutes.

7. Now it's the turn of sour cream and mustard. Season with salt and pepper.

8. Reduce heat under the skillet, cover the dishes with a lid and simmer for 5 minutes. Then turn off the stove and leave the dish for another 10 minutes to infuse and the liver is soaked in sour cream sauce.

Look how tender she is.

Enjoy your meal!

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