She lost weight from 132 kg to 71 in 2 years. I eat tasty and satisfying food. I'll tell you why I didn't have any breakdowns.



Good day everyone and delicious weight loss!

One of the questions that arose the other day with you, prompted me to once again touch on the topic of disruptions in weight loss.

We are all human, with our own weaknesses. Someone loves sweet, someone salty. Often there is not enough willpower to resist and not eat something tasty, favorite. After all, certain foods give us mood, strength, pleasure.

There is even research confirming that the hormones of happiness are produced when eating the same chocolate.

Food is enjoyable, and perhaps the only pleasure in life for someone.

Why counting calories is good - you can afford a lot of your favorite foods, one condition is that they must fit into our daily calorie intake.

Yes, we must try to switch to healthier, less high-calorie foods. But once a week, on a day off, you can afford the planned cheat sweet - in one meal you can eat your favorite tasty treat, without which, no matter how, you want to and that's it.

You can arrange days a couple of times a month when you take a break from counting calories and eat what you want. Indulge yourself with your favorite dish, enjoy a slice of cake. And the next day, without remorse, we again turn to counting and a calorie deficit.

Such planned "breakdowns" are very helpful psychologically.

And already a real breakdown, when you start to thresh everything in a row and can no longer stop, is not terrible.

After all, we see that the weight goes away, we eat tasty and satisfying every day, we do not starve, and besides, we can afford our favorite sweets from time to time.

Everything is in your hands - go for it!

I'll tell you about my menu for today.

For breakfast, two boiled eggs (eggs, 60 g each), homemade ham made from chicken breast and turkey thighs (120 g) and some Ukrainian bread (25 g).

And drank green tea at breakfast.

I got it in the morning for breakfast 425 kcal.

By the way, I started drinking another course of complex vitamins and omega-3s.

In the morning I set aside half an hour for the simulator to work out. I’m doing it for 10-15 minutes on my ellipse. And I need another 15 minutes to catch my breath and rest. Prepare a snack.

And you can already go to the computer with a clear conscience.

For a snack, I took with me 100 g of cottage cheese sweets, which I prepared yesterday (I will try to publish the recipe for you tomorrow, if I have time - I really want you to cook and try). For sweets - green tea.

Snack on 185 kcal.

Something went wrong today.

Either I'm disorganized today and grabbing hold of everything, or it's just not my day.

I was engaged in business at the computer, it was impatient to wash my hands. I came to my senses when I stood scrubbing with a brush😂. Well, here I started - I washed everything.

Naturally, the whole mood of the worker knocked down, thoughts scattered.

Moreover, the weather apparently affects, the head does not understand at all.

I even had to make coffee for myself with milk and took 40 g of sausage cheese to it. That's so unplanned plus 160 kcal to the diet for the day.

Before lunch, they brought frozen vegetables and cherries, which I ordered. I had to run to pick them up, at the same time go to the store for milk. It's high time to bake bread, that's enough laziness.

On the other hand, there is no bread - and breakfast is more varied in the diet. There is bread - favorite sandwiches for breakfast. But I already missed my whole grain bread.

I bought cherries, so I will soon cook all sorts of goodies with her. You just need to come up with which ones.

At lunchtime, I finished the last portion of sorrel cabbage soup (450 g) with 20 g of sour cream 20%. And there was bread 20 g for the cabbage soup

Went out lunch on 245 kcal.

After lunch - green tea with dates (50 g) - 85 kcal.

She stretched out tea with dates almost until dinner, while working at the computer.

Closer to dinner I went to cook. I had to bake some bread, make a vegetable stew for the next day, and bake a chicken for dinner tonight.

The chicken is marinated in Bavarian mustard, sour cream, a little soy sauce, black pepper, dry garlic, Caucasian herbs and salt. It turned out delicious.
It took me less than an hour to cook. The bread is baked, I put the stew in a saucepan - it's worth stewing. When the bread was baked, I sent the chicken to bake. And the stew is already ready, I took it to the balcony to cool down - it's for tomorrow.
I fiddled with nothing in the kitchen. It remains only to cut the salad for dinner.

Dinner - chicken breast, from baked chicken (200 g) and 150 g of vegetable salad (cucumber, tomato, radish), seasoned with sour cream (20 g).

Came out on 315 kcal

In total, 1415 kcal were obtained in a day.

In the morning, on an empty stomach, I drink a glass of water. And before every meal I drink a glass of water. The rest of the water norm (30 ml per kilogram of weight) is collected during the day.

Let us weigh together with you in a week. It's been over a week since our last weigh-in, right?
There is still time, a whole week, and on May 29 - let's summarize so that we can enter June with new results.
By the way, I have never weighed myself at all since our last check weighing. But now I look at myself and see that I have bones where I did not even suspect their presence😂.
Maybe the simulator makes itself felt? Or is the body already accustomed to the increase in calorie intake, calmed down? And remember that muscles are heavier than fat! And if you exercise constantly, then the weight can stand. This is due to chemical processes after training and due to the fact that muscles grow.

So how do you like the idea of ​​weighing in on Friday May 29th? Do we support? There is still time to improve the results! Good luck, my dears!


Video recipe for curd-fruit cream:
Cribfor beginners to lose weight on a calorie deficit - I tell you where to start.
Cataloglinks to recipes.
Skin carewhen losing weight.
Learningcount the calorie content of the finished dish.
Homemade ham recipe.
Sorrel soup recipe.

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Meat loaf with mushrooms

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