The day and delicious weight loss are dear to you!
For a long time I have not talked about where my excess weight comes from. Questions on this topic began again.
Where do we all get overweight? Banal overeating! Even if we think that we are eating little, this is just what we think. And I analyzed this question in the article at this link., read if you are interested in the topic of losing weight, it will be informative.
I have been overweight since childhood and all my adult life I have fought and struggle with it. Diets - I've tried almost everything. Hunger strikes - practiced. For a week I sat on the water alone, then for another week I slowly came out of the hunger strike. Yes, the weight was gone, I was losing weight. But then she recruited everything again.
Even with a nutritionist I lost weight for money, as a result I treated my stomach and I have a number of problems, for example, intolerance to white cabbage has earned.
By the way, do you know what the nutritionist advised me? Month there is stewed cabbage with breast without spices and salt. A month later I had minus 10 kg! Hooray! And a week later - treatment at the day hospital.
And often there were breakdowns. Another tough diet led to the fact that the first yummy that caught my eye and everything - the diet was forgotten.
But as it turned out, I was not fighting overweight quite correctly.
And first of all, you need to defeat yourself, your thinking, your eating habits and then we will defeat excess weight forever лиш
When you understand that only nutritional control leads to the preservation of the achieved result, everything works out.
Remember - returning to the previous diet after any diet leads to gaining all the weight that you threw off with such difficulty.
Thanks to the counting of calories and their deficit, I have already lost 60 kg tasty and satisfyingly and plan to continue to slim down until the reflection in the mirror completely satisfies me.
If you want to get rid of excess weight once and for all without starving, without harming your health - at the end of the article there are useful links, including a cheat sheet for beginners.
I turn to the menu for the day.
My day went wrong from the very beginning. I got up early, wanted to have breakfast and go to sunbathe.
I decided to cook dumplings, dreamed of them since yesterday evening - it turned out to be a fail. I won't even tell, it's a shame!
Climbed on the refrigerator, and there is nothing!
I decided to make just sandwiches on ordinary Darnitsky bread (65 g) with squash caviar (55 g) and chicken liver pate (50 g, purchased, squeezed out a little from my friends).
And there was only one basket with cherries (70 g), which I ate with green tea.
It turned out breakfast for 410 kcal.
And then I remember that they should bring me a curbstone from Ikea today, and some of the products should be picked up in our joint purchases.
And that's all. My career trip was canceled. And such a gorgeous weather was in the morning - not hot, there are a few clouds - for sunbathing👍.
But no, I had to stay at home, wait for delivery.
But she did a great job that day, fruitfully and freed the evening to help her husband. You have to collect the curbstone😉.
There was an old table on wheels, which did not fit into our interior at all and I just dreamed of replacing it with a small chest of drawers with drawers. Yesterday I wrote to the general chat group of our area that I would give a table (maybe someone needs a dacha) and immediately they booked it from me and took it in the evening.
And now I will have a great chest of drawers with spacious drawers👏.
The first half of the day I spent at work, waiting for the delivery of the chest of drawers and groceries. Well, and a couple of times I ran to pick up groceries - in such weather, walking is only a joy.
I had a snack with tomatoes (200 g), which I smeared with soft cottage cheese (30 g) with garlic and sprinkled with suluguni cheese (30 g).
It turned out to be a snack for 165 kcal.
Mine in the heat (although where did they find the heat... is it the heat) got hooked on ice cream and today I bought them a new portion. I decided to order my favorite crème brulee too. In general, I really love everything chocolate, but for me crème brлеlée is the taste of childhood for some reason.
Yesterday I planned that I would have ice cream in my diet today - I knew that they would bring it.
Ice cream 100 g - 235 kcal
There should be a photo of ice cream, but I was in such a hurry to try it 🙈🤣.
Lunch was ready for me - it's the same thing that I ate for dinner yesterday, cooked for several days.
Lunch - 150 g of boiled bulgur, 170 g of baked chicken breast with pineapples. Total 410 kcal.
And for the evening I left myself a portion of cheese soup - I wanted something easier to eat in the evening.
A plate of soup for dinner (420 g) - 210 kcal.
As a result, the day turned out to be 1430 kcal.
Drinks well water. I drink at least 2 liters of water at my current weight, which ranges from 71 to 72 kg.
Breakfast ruined everything for me. It was planned to be 50-60 kcal less.
Well that's what it is! I relaxed, apparently, and I will not switch to a diet of no more than 1400 kcal.
Tomorrow I will try to level the current calorie content of the day by reducing the daily diet by 50 kcal.
When I started writing this article for you, I received a new comment notification.
After reading it, I had a desire to share it with you, so that as many people as possible read it, so that once again to all unbelievers, doubters, and so on, to show that everything is possible. And it's not about age, not about opportunities. It's just your desire.
And Elena is just great!
And in the evening, in the subject of the first comment - one more. Well, I could not pass by.
Just great! What else to say here. They wanted and did it, without any excuses.
Video recipe for snack tomatoes:
Cribfor beginners to lose weight on a calorie deficit - I tell you where to start.
❗❗❗Cataloglinks to recipes.
Skin carewhen losing weight.
Learningcount the calorie content of the finished dish.
Oatmeal cake recipe.
Chocolate cupcake recipe.
Recipe for chocolate curd casserole.