Thyme: an incredibly powerful grass


The fact that such thyme. Learn all about fragrant thymeIncluding its therapeutic properties and used in cooking.

Thyme and Thyme - find out what is the difference

What is the difference between these herbs? Many proponents of alternative medicine are well aware, thyme and savory - it is absolutely the same!
So why are so many questions being around this topic? The science of the study of medicinal plants was as follows.

In the early years of the Roman confrontation, the soldiers took a bath with herbal decoction of thyme, for vitality, health and vitality.
Women in the Middle Ages, dried thyme sprigs, gave the favorite before a long way, as the guardian of adversity.
And Theophrastus and Dioscorides attributed to a tuft of grass in excess of the natural forces of the earth: they relieve fatigue, inflammation, increased libido.

Are there similarities in plants

In fact, thyme and thyme - close relatives belong to the same genus - family Labiatae.
Plants are rich in essential oils are widely used as medicaments fees.

In many textbooks and Wikipedia concepts thyme and thyme - one.
But each plant its varieties, distinguishing between a color-color, smell, shape, leaf and stem.

Thyme - what is it

Woody shrubs with gentle, trudging along the ground stems. Flowers are endowed with a strong flavor, it's a great honey plant.

The people there are many varieties, the most popular: thyme; creeping thyme.
The second type is thyme. It is spread in dry areas, it is widely used in medicine.

Its name comes from the Greek word "thymos", which means "spirits", so it is no wonder that its aroma is so powerful and astute.

Thyme and Thyme - differences

If you look at the plants outside, it can be canceled only similarity handicraft flowers, but also contrast.
Crohn's in thyme shallow root system is thicker stalk grows larger in breadth.
In Thyme on the contrary, the high thin stems, roots go deep into the ground, buds bright and lush.

Beneficial features

Biologically active components that make up the plant, have a lot of positive the beneficial properties of thyme, have:


It is used in diseases of the lungs, eliminates pain syndromes, reduces the inflammatory focus.

Kidney diseases infusion thyme is used as a diuretic, righting autonomic disorders, disinfects.

Also useful in diarrhea, flatulence, reduces fermentation in the intestine, detrimental effect on the microbes in the body.

health benefits of thyme

Treatment of respiratory infection is one of the most common uses of thyme.
Being an effective pulmonary disinfectant, it is useful for sore throat, asthma, cough, whooping cough, bronchitis, laryngitis, chest infections, throat and nose.

Inhale thyme oil for treatment of infections, such as infections or chest congestion, and use it for mouthwash for the treatment of infections of the mouth and gums.

After one German study, most researchers now believe that the secret of cough medicines is a local action of essential oils on the respiratory tract.

Other evidence suggests that essential oils act as expectorants and increase the secretion of mucus to relieve dry cough.

It is recommended to breathe in small amounts, as too much provides the opposite effect.

Thyme is also used for the treatment of psychological and physical weakness, e.g., for restoration of power after illness.
It is effective against depression, chronic fatigue and poor concentration.

Thyme also improves circulation, improves memory, balances the mind and body is too low and increases the blood pressure.

Being a powerful antibacterial and antiseptic, thyme essential oil is widely used in solutions for disinfecting hands before surgery.
It can destroy the staphylococcus when diluted 1,000 times.
According to a study in France, it is one of the few essential oils that kill 90% of bacteria within three hours using as an evaporator.

Thyme is popular in cooking

Used as aromatic spice to the second dishes, to fish, meat, sausages for fragrances in the preparation for marinade cucumbers.

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