Kwasi tasty cabbage for the winter: Top 5 new recipes


Keep as much as 5 recipes delicious sauerkraut from around the world.

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Already hit the first frost, and cold steel podernulis crisp cabbages in the fields, then it is time for the most important preparations for the winter - sauerkraut.

Keep tasty and crunchy podborkuTOP 5 recipessauerkraut

Let's start from the south.

Sauerkraut in Kuban


Cabbage (as will fit in the bowl)
1-2 carrots
1 cup coarse salt
3 L of water
Bay leaf, allspice


Step 1. Shred cabbage, carrots grate or cut into small strips.

Step 2. Dissolve the salt in water glass.

Step 3. Cabbage and carrots handfuls dipped in brine and rammed into a glass dish.

Step 4. Sandwiching a bay leaf and allspice.

Step 5. Compacted and put under the yoke, to wait two days, periodically piercing cabbage wooden stick.

Step 6. There are greens, onions and fried potatoes.

Cabbage in the Siberian and Far East in

In Siberia and the Far East fermented cabbage as well as in the European part of Russia, the only difference - add more carrots.
Cabbage is obtained almost orange.

Sauerkraut in Armenian


1 kg of beet
300-400 g cherry leaves
7-8 peas allspice
25 pods of hot pepper
1.5-2 kg roots (celery, parsley, cilantro with tops)
3.5 kg of carrots
1.1 kg of garlic
10-15 pc. leafs
1.4 -1.6 kg salt
2 pieces of cinnamon


Step 1. Purified from cabbage leaves coverslips, washed in running water and cut into 2-4 parts.

Step 2. Bits garlic cloves and separated into soaked in warm water for 1.5 hours and then purified.

Step 3. Carrots cleaned and cut into circles.

Step 4. Pepper washed and removed peduncle.

Step 5. Roots peeled, washed and cut lengthwise into 2-4 parts. washed cherry leaves.

Step 6. Beets are washed, cleaned and cut into thin slices.

Step 7. At the bottom of the barrel is placed cabbage and cherry leaves, then chopped cabbage tight rows. Between the rows - equal parts garlic, roots, carrot mugs, beet plate, hot pepper pods.

Step 8. The top layer is covered with vegetable cabbage leaves, and then a cloth is put on top load. After that, pour the cooled marinade over vegetables 4-5 cm above the level of packed vegetables.

Step 9. Preparation of the marinade. 60 kg of cabbage is necessary to prepare 35 l of the marinade. The water was heated to boiling, add spices, marinade cooled and poured them filled keg.

Step 10. Within 5 days the barrel is kept at room temperature until fermentation starts, and then transferred to cold.

Sauerkraut is Caucasian


1 head of cabbage
1 beet
1 clove garlic
1 pod of red hot pepper
150 g of the green and the roots of celeriac


Step 1. Cabbage cut into large squares, beets - thin slices, celery and pepper - slices, garlic, coarsely chopped.

Step 2. The cabbage and beets stacked layers, sprinkling celery, pepper and garlic.

Step 3. Pour boiling brine rate of 1 tbsp. l. salt and vinegar to 1 l of water, so that the vegetables were covered with liquid.

Step 3. Leave the cabbage for 2-3 days in a warm place, after which it is ready for use. Long did not keep.

And finally, the last recipe. And we end up today... Germans! :)

Sauerkraut in German

Germans fermented cabbage is almost exactly the same as we are. The difference is that they love zaboristye very sauerkraut.
Oh, and the Germans cabbage crunches, because it is very thinly sliced.


3 kg of cabbage
2 carrots
3 tablespoons cumin
2 tablespoons salt
½ cup of juniper berries
3 apples


Step 1. Shred cabbage as thinly as possible.

Step 2. Carrots rubbed on a coarse grater. Mix with cabbage.

Step 3. Cumin seeds fry in a dry frying pan. Then mash them with a rolling pin or pestle.

Step 4. For apples cored and cut into thin slices.

Step 5. Place the cabbage in a large pot or bucket, rubbing her hands with salt, cumin and juniper berries.

Step 6. Put under pressure, hold for 2-3 days, occasionally poke a stick to the bottom, so that excess gases out.

Step 7. You can then store in the refrigerator and eat.


How would you not made sour cabbage - will still be good and tasty!
Because doing it all yourself, with your own hands and soul!

Good luck to you!

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