"Lazy" waffle whites or "lazy" chops: whatever you call it, everything is delicious


Hello, my name is Oksana! I am glad to welcome everyone who has looked at my page. I hope that the recipes I published will be interesting and useful to you - read, write comments, and of course, Subscribe!

Today I want to offer you a baking recipe using wafer cakes and minced meat - "lazy" chops... Or "lazy" whites, and perhaps this dish also has other names.

A simple and easy recipe for a variety of everyday menus - but still not for every day, the dish is quite fatty... It's definitely not good for a PP!

Required Ingredients:

Chicken meat (fillet) - 700-800 g
Wafer cakes - 1 pack
Chicken eggs - 3-4 pcs.
Bulb onions (large) - 1 pc.
Sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.
Salt - 1/3 tsp l.
Ground black pepper - to taste
Vegetable oil for frying

For cooking, you can use any chicken meat - the most economical option is to buy the whole chicken, cut into fillets and remove the meat from the bone. As they say, cheap and cheerful ...

Scroll the meat in a meat grinder along with onions.

Add sour cream, salt, a little black pepper, and, if desired, some spices to your taste to the rolled minced meat. Mix everything, while slightly beating off the mass with your hands.

Break the eggs into a separate bowl, add a little salt, pepper and whisk or beat with a fork.

Next, we take wafer cakes - they are rectangular, round, and small portioned, 10 cm in diameter (very convenient, you don't even have to cut them), put minced meat on one such cake and spread its surfaces, 1 cm thick, do not more.

Cover with a second waffle crust on top, press down slightly and cut into triangles, as usual we cut the cake. We repeat the procedure with the remaining cakes and minced meat.

Then pour vegetable oil into the pan, heat well, reduce heat to below average. Dip the triangles of the "lazy" chops in the egg mixture, put them in the pan, and fry on 2 sides until a beautiful golden-brown crust is formed. When frying, it is better to cover the pan with a lid, in which case the filling will be baked for sure. Get ready, try it, bon appetit!

And I also want to suggest that you definitely cook one more dish using wafer cakes: Making snack rolls for a snack in 15 minutes: without kneading the dough

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