Dishes that you can eat to the bone and lose weight at the same time. The most working diet of all time


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As the saying goes: "What is it to eat to lose weight?" The best diet is to eat to the bone and not get fat! And (hurray, hurray!) Such a diet exists!

The most working diet for the avid glutton - the glutton!

First we eat like an elephant, and then like a mouse!

If you understand, reconcile and accept that you are a glutton and are not going to limit yourself in eating food and starving, but I still want to be slim, then the option remains to continue to be a glutton, but start "shoving" a little different products! And it's brilliant! Just think about it.

Most people approach the issue of losing weight with the wrong and obviously losing attitude, namely with a restrictive one, saying to themselves: “I need to eat less, I must limit myself in food. I can't overeat. Mouth to lock. I will have to chew grass like a cow and eat tasteless usefulness, gnaw only cabbage and carrots, like a hare "... And other phrases-prohibitions that sound in my head and cause only melancholy, boredom and despondency, because the tempting aromas of fresh baked goods are heard all around, etc.

And so there is a breakdown after a breakdown, dissatisfaction with oneself grows, self-esteem decreases, nerves play pranks, and the weight keeps growing, and a hippopotamus flashes in the mirror! And again the search for a new diet. Time passes and nothing changes for the better... It's time to realize that most diets don't work because many nutritionists are cunning marketers and along with all the tops, they offer you familiar products that you want to hear, that supposedly you can there is! (For the diet to be considered cool and in demand).

Girls exhaust themselves with various low-calorie diets, go sad, licking their lips near shop windows, and as a result they still break off and come off, because the stomach is already stretched and requires 3 servings (the first, second and compote)!

And the secret is that you have to, without ceasing, be a glutton, just start overeating live, but also deliciously cooked products (This is a completely different winning mindset!)

And, lo and behold, over time, eating dishes made from live products, you will see that your appetite will moderate itself and let the food go. To eat, a small portion will suffice (in one sitting, you can immerse the amount of food that fits on two palms into the stomach, this is about 200 - 350 grams).

This will happen smoothly and naturally, without the use of willpower, because the body will cleanse itself of past deposits (fungi, bacteria and parasites), the stomach will decrease in size, the digestibility of products will improve, the taste buds will be cleared, and as a result, amazing Thus, craving for harmful products will disappear, without which not so long ago life seemed unbearable, and the weight will significantly decrease even without heavy workouts.

! On this channel, a sea of ​​recipes for live food to help those who are in transition. Such biologically active dishes can be eaten to the dump and at the same time not get better (They are stated in the title of this article)

But ideally, of course, it is better not to mix products at all, but to gorge themselves on one look. The fact is that at the initial stage of the transition to a raw food diet pulls on a mishmash, and after a person smoothly switches to separate food and mono-food (this is a more advanced stage).

Nature designed it so that a beautiful creature called a man walks, walks, saw an apple tree, picked apples I ate from the tree, and after a while, after walking another 2 kilometers and spending energy, I saw nuts and ate them... I wanted an apple, eat 3 tyblok until you are full. You need to eat not by the clock, not out of habit, not for the company, but only because of an acute feeling of hunger, then the stomach will easily cope with the task of digesting food and it will only benefit!

You also need to understand that a diet should not be something temporary, but as a way of life, and therefore you need to clearly understand why you need it, and compose a menu for yourself, which will contain all the elements necessary for the body (overeating occurs due to a lack of vitamins and minerals. In appearance it seems that a person overeats, but in fact the body is constantly starving, as it receives an excess of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and sugars of the wrong quality).

And the main thing is the realization that one must eat in order to live, and not vice versa! That is, fill yourself more with positive emotions so that you don't have to draw them from food! (people overeat due to inner emptiness and lack of adventure). You can even gorge on information, if you get carried away by watching videos on YouTube on a topic of interest, then you can easily forget about food for several hours!

We make an appetite-calming live breakfast with proteins, fats, sugars and carbohydrates.


1. Walnut (3 pcs)

2. Flaxseed oil (1 teaspoon)

3. Dried apricots (10 pcs)

4. Apple (1 pc)

5. Mandarin (2 pcs)

6. Cane Sugar (1/2 teaspoon)

+ For a change, you can make different versions of such cleansing breakfasts with the addition of other components. For example, berries: raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, honeysuckle... Fruits: quince, pear, plum, apricot, peach. Dried fruits: dried apples, prunes, raisins, figs, etc. Nuts and seeds: flax seed, chia, macadamia, pine, almond ...


In the evening we soak dried apricots in cold water. In the morning we put it in a blender bowl, then add a chopped apple (pitted), cane sugar, nut kernels, flaxseed oil, peel the tangerines and squeeze the tangerine juice (the pulp is put same way). We twist everything until smooth, put it in a cup and bon appetit, friends!

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