Vitamin cocktail of oats and flaxseed to normalize metabolism and increase vitality


This wasp and flax cocktail has a high nutritional value because it contains vegetable protein and Omega 3 fatty acids.

With the regular use of such a cocktail: metabolism is normalized, the body is freed from winter toxicity, immunity is strengthened and, in general, vitality is added.


1. Oats - a handful

2. Flax seed - 1 tablespoon

3. Water - 1 glass

(you can take more components)


We take "live" oats (for germination), fill with water at room temperature and put on the windowsill for 5 days, spilling it every day in the morning and in the evening (you can drop a drop of hydrogen peroxide). Fill the flax seed with cool water and also leave it in the light to activate.

As soon as the oats and flax hatch or give millimeter seedlings, you can make a healthy cocktail.

Before cooking, we wash the oats and flax, put them in a blender container, add water (you can sprinkle the cumin for a pleasant shade). We twist everything together for about a minute, filter through a strainer and the vitamin cocktail is ready. Bon appetit, friends!

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