Operating chamomile: Properties and Applications


Chamomile - a mild sedative, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, and who knows how much that means. The more useful chamomile and how to use it later in the article.

For therapeutic purposes, use the pharmacy chamomile, camomile, or formulations are prepared in the home, essential oils, herbal teas of dry inflorescences of plants.

Main applications chamomile:

disease and injury of the epithelium, preferably bacterial and inflammatory etiology;
disease and dysfunction of the biliary system;
respiratory system diseases accompanied by cough, swelling of mucosal spasms;
inflammatory diseases of the stomach, erosive mucosal lesions, both in the acute and in the chronic phase;
tract and inflammation of the urogenital system;
other inflammatory tissues and organs;
diseases associated with individual hypersensitivity to various stimuli (bronchial asthma, eczema, allergic gastritis etiology);
reduction of pain, including toothache and migraine pain;
sleep disturbances, increased anxiety, irritability;
injury, stretching connective tissue, ligament apparatus.

Treatment is carried camomile rate up to 3 months in the absence of allergic reactions.
Getting used to the active substances do not develop.

The infusion of chamomile

Chamomile infusion is used inside for the following diseases and conditions:

diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, gastropathy, colitis, enteritis and mixed forms of disease)

biliary system, pathologies and dysfunction of the liver, non-viral etiology of diarrhea, intestinal cramps, stomach, flatulence;
inflammatory respiratory tract and organs;
painful menstruation;
acute respiratory diseases;
emotional and mental strain;

nervous exhaustion;

sleep disorders and irritability;

loss of appetite and m. p.

Outdoor use of infusions of camomile It recommended in the following cases:

inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, pharynx (tonsillitis, pharyngitis non-atrophic form, gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontal disease), - a rinsing and washing of the cavities;
in disorders of the skin: burns, frostbite, ulcers, erosions, eczema, rashes, inflammatory nature, long-term healing wounds - in the form of the composition for compresses;
inflammatory eye mucosa processes - in the form of washing and lotions;
to reduce the severity of inflammation of hemorrhoids - as a solution for microenemas, local localization compresses at an external nodes sitz baths;
acne, acne - a composition for wiping, including in frozen form, or as a component of lotions;
when manifestations of rheumatic fever, gout attacks, sprains, dislocations, arthritis - in the form of compresses;
when sweating hands, feet - as for wiping solution.

The preparation of decoctions and infusions of camomile

To prepare the broth must take 4 tablespoons of dry medicinal raw material, heated on a steam bath for half an hour with 300 mL of boiling water.
After cooling, filter, wring flowers.
The prepared broth is stored in the refrigerator no more than two days.
Receiving broth: 100 ml (half cup) 2-3 times a day after meals. You can add honey.

For infusion of chamomile 4 tablespoons dried inflorescences pour 200 ml of boiling water and insist 3 hours thermos.
After infusion strain.
Receiving infusion: up to 4 times per day is not more than 50 ml in one portion.

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