4 unconventional ways to use sugar that help me with my household. Convenient and practical.


Today I will tell about four non-standard uses of sugar, who help me with housekeeping. I learned some methods not so long ago, some I have been using for a long time. Sugar is capable it is convenient and practical to solve some problems. Let's get started!

1. To cheese stayed fresher longer and mold has not formed on it, put a few lumps of sugar in a container of cheese. The same principle works and with bread. I personally checked the method - it works. Scroll the photo to the right.

Photo taken by the author (bread box)
Photo taken by the author (bread box)
Photo taken by the author (container with sugar)
Photo taken by the author (bread box)

2. By adding some sugar to the food, you can remove the excessive sharpness. I tried it several times - it helped.

3. With sugar you can easily remove any spice odors from the surface. This method is especially helpful when you need to eliminate the smell from a blender or coffee grinder (I think coffee lovers will understand me). All you need to do is put a few tablespoons of sugar and leave for 15-20 minutes, then add sugar and rinse. ABOUTthere will be no trace of smell.

Photo taken by the author (sugar in a coffee grinder)

4. With sugar, you can make trap for mosquitoes and other insects, take any thick paper, spread it with honey or jam and sprinkle with sugar. Very effective remedy we especially help me at the dacha. Sugar is also good at fighting cockroaches, Mix sugar (2 tablespoons) and baking powder (2 tablespoons) and sprinkle this mixture in different places. Didn't know at least one of the above-described method - put your thumb up!

Photo taken by the author (sugar, baking powder)

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