The official medicine taken to treat the flu or a cold antiviral, antipyretic, and other drugs. But the people have a lot of unusual recipes with which also successfully treat these ailments.
This article contains the most interesting and at times extreme cold recipes. As well as the effectiveness of each method will evaluate tuberculotherapist.
1. When the first symptoms of a cold or flu Clean small bulb, Rub it on a grater, put on a layer of bandage. This compresses put on the wings of the nose for 10 minutes. Repeat this process three times a day. wings of the nose must be pre-oiled.
The doctor's comment:
"Tool is quite effective, because the bow has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and is a strong antioxidant, and volatile production allocated from it have an antibacterial effect. Also bow an irritant, so vegetable oil lubrication nose wings sense. You can also dig onion juice into the nose, but again, not in pure form, in order to avoid irritation mucosa, and spreading of water or mixed with 5-10 percent solution of natural honey in a ratio 1:5, 1:10."
2. During the cold there are 3 times a day nourishing chicken broth. It gives strength and helps the body cope with the disease faster.
The doctor's comment:
"This view is mistaken. Broth, despite the fact that it is well absorbed, is heavy enough product for the body of the patient (especially concentrated). That is the body will expend energy on digestion, whereas he wanted them to fight the disease. It is much better in this case to use a vegetable broth. Although, of course, it is not a panacea for colds. "
3. Perhaps the most unusual way to treat a cold came up with the Chinese. In their opinion, for a couple of sessions of acupuncture You can be completely cure the seasonal attack.
The doctor's comment:
"With the right approach, this method is quite effective, because the needles are exposed to biologically active points, which "cause" sick body to work and recover. However, it is important not to fall into the hands of "charlatan" because the needles can easily be hurt. "
4. To suspend the development of sore throat, mix clove powder honey, smear a teaspoon of this drug on a plate and lick it slowly 2-3 times a day.
The doctor's comment:
"It really is an effective method. Folk medicine has long been known that clove -good remedy for asthma, with hoarseness, with stagnation in the nasal sinuses and bronchial tree. A mixture of honey at slizyvanie clove dish with such a mechanism works: pharynx muscle strain, It improves blood circulation in it, and therefore faster and absorbed nutrients from the honey and spices. In addition, honey resorption directly in the mouth already has a therapeutic effect, which increases the impact of a carnation. "
5. If you have a runny nose, dissolve in warm water 5 drops of iodine and a few crystals of potassium permanganate. this draw the water several times in the nose during the day.
The doctor's comment:
"This recipe has the right to life, especially if you have a muco-purulent or purulent discharge from the nose, or joins an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (sinusitis often). Because iodine has antimicrobial effect which inhibits the development of bacteria in the nasal sinuses and the water dilutes their contents. But it is best to alternate - one day to do the nose washing with potassium permanganate, and the next day - with iodine. You can also add to this recipe even table salt, which cleans the sinus of pus. The glass of warm water to dissolve 1 h. l. salt, 20 drops of iodine (in the case of sinusitis iodine drops more - up to 20), this solution to wash the nose 3-4 times a day. "
6. At the first sign of a cold proceed to complete starvation mode: Do not eat or drink (from one to two days).
The doctor's comment:
"Since SARS and influenza accompanied by intoxication and temperature rise, the fluid required to be ingested to reduce the amount of toxins and prevent dehydration. Therefore, it is wise to t. N. fasting on water. So you can starve 1-2 days. And then the body will ask him to feed. "
7. At elevated body temperature as antipyretic mix and drink orange juice (100 ml) lemon (100 mL), apple (100 mL), tomato (75 mL), and beet juice (25 ml).
The doctor's comment:
"This recipe is quite right to life, as this mixture has a large dose of vitamin C, which thins the blood and causes perspiration. Because of this and the temperature is reduced. The list of "antipyretics" fruit can be supplemented with juicy fragrant pear fruit. It includes many organic zinc (more than in apple juice), carbohydrates, vitamins C and E, carotene and minerals. However, we must remember that we are talking about svezheotzhatyh juices and not store where nutrients is much less. But if we are talking about a very high temperature, it is necessary to drink antipyretic. "
8. At the first sign of a cold, try "Massage 36 '. Relax, vigorously rub your palms against each other until the sensation of heat. Then, finger rub the nose from the nose to the tip 36 times. Then, too, 36 times, press the point located at the wings of the nose. Thereafter palms massage from the neck of the cheeks, up to the ears, the ears, more behind the ears and then downward under back of the head, with a final push on the points on either side of the spine at the base skull. Repeat 36 times.
The doctor's comment:
"Acupressure stimulates blood circulation in the affected organ, and therefore effectively helps in the beginning of the disease."
9. Morning to feel healthy, it is necessary at night liter of hot drink natural (such as tea), apple juice and go to bed.
The doctor's comment:
"It is very ancient and a really good recipe. Apple juice contains a lot of pectin, which makes the work of the intestine bacteria that quickly eliminate viral toxins. The recipe can be strengthened somewhat. The heated liter of apple juice, add the thinly sliced ββand necessarily peeled orange, cinnamon stick, and two or three gvozdichinki. Hold at low temperature (such that the boiling was virtually no) needs about 20 minutes. Drink before going to bed. "
10. To sweat well, take a 0.5 l beer, Heat to 40 Β° C and add 2 tbsp. l. honey. Drink in one gulp and lie under a blanket.
The doctor's comment:
"Beer (not strong!) Do sometimes used as a diaphoretic. But it is quite extreme method which is suitable for physically healthy adults, and beer can be successfully replaced by more useful tea with raspberries. "
11. Extreme method of dealing with a sore throat - kerosene. Bintik wound on a finger, moisten it with kerosene and wipe throat.
The doctor's comment:
"For the treatment of mild forms of angina does sometimes kerosene used. But it should only be cleaned (!) Liquid, without impurities, which is extremely difficult to get. And in the case of advanced forms of tonsillitis when the tonsils have formed abscesses, lubricate them with kerosene is strongly recommended! This way you can spread the infection. But if you do decide to try to imagine this method, make a few corrections. In order not to get burned almonds, dilute 10 drops of kerosene in 50 grams of warm water and the resulting solution gargle after eating every day for a week. "
12. Prepare tincture: 20 g of oyster mushroom pour 100 g of vodka. Leave to infuse for 10 days. Bury your nose or rinse the throat at the first sign of a cold or a sore throat for 2-3 days to 3 times a day.
The doctor's comment:
"Oyster is rich in substances that are natural antibiotics. Therefore, the preparation and use of this tincture for instillation of the nose and throat rinsing it makes sense. "
13. In the east, a popular method of prevention of colds: sit down in front of a mirror in the lotus position, and draw out the tongue away and growl "p-p-p" for one minute, changing the tone.
The doctor's comment:
"Such exercise improves blood circulation in the nasopharynx - input gate airborne infections. As a result, enhanced local immune defense, and the person becomes less susceptible to germs and viruses. In addition, the sound combination "Raaaaaaaaaa" on the note "la" first octave has a positive effect on the pituitary gland, endocrine glands, helps get rid of the disease are not accompanied by an increase in temperature. "
14. The adherents of the ancient South Korean Su Jok Scientists believe that, affecting the fingers and toes, you can quickly say goodbye to the cold.
The Su Jok is believed that the first phalanx of the thumb (palmar side) corresponds to the head, the second - the neck, and the rise of the palm at the base of the big toe meets the chest. Coming home in the evening, make the alcohol compress on the second phalanx, which is responsible for neck and throat. To do this, wrap the part of the finger with gauze soaked in alcohol, and top Wrap with cellophane. Keep the compress overnight.
The doctor's comment:
"This stimulation points acts directly on the diseased organs, forcing them to" work "at full force and has a harmonizing effect. Vodka compress will reduce slightly sore throat and facilitate swallowing. There are a few unusual but effective way at all colds and the flu: the entire thumb is necessary at night to put a poultice of honey. Dip a piece of bandage in liquid honey and wrap their thumb on top of the paper, apply compresses and put on woolen mitten. "
15. Respiratory treatment for the common cold: take a deep breath, put your hands in front of him (they are in the "semi-circle"), turning the palms facing you. At eye level, turn the palms outward, while continuing to raise their hands. At the end of the movement the palms as if make a push up, rounded elbows, fingers are pointing at each other, are closed teeth, but not tightly, her lips slightly parted. Slowly exhale air through the teeth with a long sound "sssssss". Feel this sound lungs are filled with energy and exempt from all evil. Full exhalation. Slowly lowering your hands, inhale. Hold them on the level of light and imagine that they are filled with bright white light. Take the starting position.
The doctor's comment:
"Such an exercise efficiently t. K. A patient body changes the frequency of oscillations. The fact that all of our internal organs have their own unique frequency.
When they are healthy, she was alone, and when ill, it is the other.
If the impact on this frequency so that it changes from "patient" to "healthy" (that this effect can be achieved by performing this breathing exercise), you can accelerate the recovery. "
Take care of yourself! And do not get sick!
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