"A remnant of Soviet canteens", which would be nice to return now


I remembered the Soviet canteens - canteens, the cheapest, one might say, catering establishments, and I realized: there is several things that should be returned to similar establishments (and even to those with a higher rank), just a must okay.

Even at the beginning of this year, in those times that can now be called "good old", many times in catering establishments, sometimes - even with claim to pathos - I watched about the following development of the "food scenario": guests enter, in some places undress right next to table and... that's it. Further, the order is already in progress and the eating of the ordered is directly.

Attention, the question: what point, obligatory from the point of view of a civilized person, dropped out of the "nutrition ritual"?

If you haven't guessed right on the first try, I can say: hands! Banal hand washing!

Previously, at the exit to the dining room, any guest was greeted with posters reminders of the need for this simple and, damn it, very important procedure, and now we have such reminders are considered almost as violence against a person and an insult, and so, result. Many people forget to wash their hands.

Before, not washing your hands meant admitting that you were a slob, but now? Now almost a variant of the norm.

But they do not always eat using appliances. Fingers lick. Iiiii?

I sit and think - is it really nice? It is understandable, every day we willy-nilly eats the devil knows how many microbes, viruses and other dirty tricks, but washing your hands is not so difficult, right?

So what's not mine, laziness, or beneath dignity? I have two funny stories on this topic in my piggy bank.

I remember that in very old times (when trips abroad had just become available), a vaguely familiar comrade who returned from a business trip, either from France or from Belgium, frowning with displeasure gave out that, they say, they do not run from the table in a restaurant abroad wash. There it is, they say, considered bad manners. Everyone behaves "realistically, like in the movies." They came. greeted and did not leave the table! And you can wipe your hands with napkins.

Xs, xs. And abroad I saw those who, after the order, go to wash their hands. And those who do not wash them.

Another memory of my youth is the acquaintance with a very "aristocratic" family. This family was with pretensions, from the nouveau riche who had just begun to amass wealth, but with the mother of the family, who had read a lot of women's novels. This mother of the family really wanted to "buy the nobility." Then it was very fashionable - talking about the formation of a new elite of society, all that. They said that Molchanov - there was such a TV presenter - bought himself not only the nobility, but also the title (true or not, I don’t know, I am retelling this to describe the atmosphere more precisely).

I will omit the reasons for acquaintance, I will say - I was awarded an invitation to dinner. When a healthy tureen (yes, a tureen) with water was brought to the table and the guests were asked to wash their hands in it before dinner, I almost had a blow.

But - type aristocracy! Washing hands right at the table. So that all sanitary rooms there, which could offend the aristocratic gaze, do not jump.

I see no reason to rinse your hands in a tub, where people have rinsed before your heels.

But posters reminiscent of hygiene rules would be good to return to public catering. A relic of the past, but at the present time it is very useful. You see, hand washing (even without such fanaticism as in Japan) will be beneficial.

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