Unusual jelly spinach to the gastrointestinal tract
Unusual jelly spinach to the gastrointestinal tract

Spinach - King of the summer! It is useful for the whole body! Spinach and rejuvenates (due to vi...

Syroedchesky cold summer soup instead of hash
Syroedchesky cold summer soup instead of hash

Summer, sun, heat! It would be cool time! We do cold supets. If the hash become boring, then thi...

The most delicious drink, a blood thinner, and improves mood
The most delicious drink, a blood thinner, and improves mood

We use a lot of food for the day, thickening the blood, body swamp, and from this, the majority o...

The strongest leach liquor lining PH balance
The strongest leach liquor lining PH balance

Most modern products, unfortunately, acidifying the body and shift the PH balance in favor of aci...

Simple drink of horseradish, which strengthens the immune system
Simple drink of horseradish, which strengthens the immune system

Strengthen the immune system and there will be more trouble! Horseradish around the head! The fac...

The most useful for the stomach exhibits protective puree
The most useful for the stomach exhibits protective puree

Summer - it's time to green! Sea greens and vitamins! Cheers cheers! We must not miss the moment ...

Useful and tasty sweet sugar that will appeal to any girl
Useful and tasty sweet sugar that will appeal to any girl

Everyone loves sweets, but sweets most harmful, and therefore inventing useful sweets for joy!Ing...

Anti-parasite protein shake "Night"
Anti-parasite protein shake "Night"

Parasites - the servants of darkness, they do not like sunlight and sunny living foods. They are ...

The most tasteless drink, diluting the blood and improves blood circulation
The most tasteless drink, diluting the blood and improves blood circulation

Mid-June, went beet tops! Who tops, and in front of the roots! Our ancestors did from her beetro...

Syroednaya delicious hash with avocado
Syroednaya delicious hash with avocado

Besides classical hash that there are about two hundred kinds of different recipes okroshechek! S...

Cocktail, useful for the brain vessels
Cocktail, useful for the brain vessels

Many fruits and vegetables resemble human organs and they are on the wonderful coincidence, it is...

Detox drink chlorophyll purifying blood
Detox drink chlorophyll purifying blood

The grass is green, the sun shines!!! Now it is summer and around the sea of ​​green - a hint fr...

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