Shurpa is a traditional oriental thick soup, which is often made from lamb and vegetables. I made...
In Shrovetide week I share with you recipes for pancakes! Today I have a recipe for pancakes on s...
Ingredients: flour, warm water, milk, eggs, sugar, salt, vegetable oil, toppings to tasteCooking ...
Cake "Rosochki" from applesCake "Rosochki" from applesVery beautiful pastries for a festive table...
Yes, I’m telling you for sure that you haven’t tried this, so I highly recommend it. And don't he...
Semolina Porridge Without LumpsSemolina Porridge Without LumpsSemolina porridge is probably the m...
✨Hello, my name is Oksana! I am glad to welcome everyone who looked at my page. Thank you so much...
Chicken fillet with tomatoes and cheese in a pan is juicy meat under melting mozzarella and tomat...
✨Hello, my name is Oksana! I am glad to welcome everyone who looked at my page. Thank you so much...
✨Hello, my name is Oksana! Greetings to all who looked at my page. I hope my recipes will be inte...
Recipe for liver sausage with lard. You can cook this sausage in bags or a plastic bottle. Delici...
✨Hello, my name is Oksana! Greetings to all who looked at my page. I hope my recipes will be inte...